2020年3月22日 星期日

【中/ENG】黨中央將強化與各縣市多元溝通聯繫機制 江啟臣:凝聚共識才能往前走 KMT to Strengthen Diversified Communication Mechanisms with 15 KMT-governed Cities and Counties

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 109.03.22

黨中央將強化與各縣市多元溝通聯繫機制 江啟臣:凝聚共識才能往前走







Press Release

KMT Culture and Communications Committee

March 22nd, 2020


KMT to Strengthen Diversified Communication Mechanisms with 15 KMT-governed Cities and Counties


On March 22, KMT Chairman Johnny Chiang Chi-chen (江啟臣) and his leadership team traveled to central Taiwan to pay visits to important elected officials of KMT affiliation, including Chiayi City Mayor Huang Min-hui (黃敏惠), Yunlin County Executive Chang Li-shan (張麗善), and Speaker of the Yunlin County Council Shen Tsung-lung (沈宗隆) for exchanging views on several issues that attention, such as prevention and control measures of COVID-19, major local construction projects, cross-county cooperation, and reconstructing of the KMT. They looked forward to closer cooperation between the KMT party central and the local governments administrated by KMT members in striving for Taiwan’s future.


Chairman Chiang stated that he had already started his tour with visits to the chiefs of the 15 KMT-governed local governments and their speakers since last week. Chiang added that the KMT party central would strengthen its diversified communication mechanisms with those local governments in the future. On March 23, the National Policy Foundation, aka the KMT's think tank will hold a forum inviting representatives from the 15 KMT-governed cities and counties to listen to their own advice on COVID-19 prevention as well as the national land development program.


Chairman Chiang vowed that “the KMT must forge a consensus to keep moving forward.” Only through effective communication with the grassroots, can a consensus be forged within the party, thus providing the KMT marching orders to better align with the needs of local governments and populations.


(This is an abridged version of the KMT’s Chinese language news release.)


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