2020年3月27日 星期五

國民黨:感謝川普簽署台北法案  印證台美深厚情誼

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 109.03.27

國民黨:感謝川普簽署台北法案 印證台美深厚情誼

中國國民黨今(27)日針對美國總統川普簽署「台灣友邦國際保護及加強倡議法」(Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative Act)表達感謝之意。國民黨表示,川普簽署該法案是再次以行動表示對台灣的支持,同時,國民黨也向領銜提案的共和黨籍參議員賈德納(Cory Gardner)及眾議員匡希恆(John Curtis)表達由衷謝意。賈德納與匡希恆二位國會議員長期支持台灣,不僅代表了美國人民堅定支持民主的核心價值,更展現了台美間的深厚情誼。



The KMT expresses its gratitude to President Trump for signing the Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative (TAIPEI) Act and showing his support for Taiwan. In addition, the Party would also like to thank Republican Senator Cory Gardner and Representative John Curtis for their unwavering support for Taiwan over the years. Their dedication to the subject is a representation of the core values of freedom and democracy that the American people firmly endorse. The support from the U.S. Congress also shows the amicable relationship between Taiwan and the United States.

The Party hopes that under the principle of enhancing Taiwan-U.S. relations and reciprocity, more visible actions can be taken from both Taiwan and the U.S. in order to realize the essence of the aforementioned Act. By doing so, the Republic of China would be able to gain more opportunities of further participating in various international affairs.

KMT Party Chairmen Johnny Chi-Chen Chiang states that the Republic of China is a bastion of international democracy and freedom as well as a strong ally to the U.S. The KMT is willing to assist various sectors in the U.S. in furthering its relationship with Taiwan and thus maintaining stability in the Indo-Pacific Region.

As the world continues to work together to combat the global pandemic caused by COVID-19, Chairmen Chiang indicates that the Party has everyone's health and safety in mind while it’s supporting collaboration with Taiwan's allies to curb the damages caused by the virus. He also wishes life of Taiwan's friends around the globe will soon return to normal.
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