2020年4月20日 星期一


新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 109.4.20


國民黨江啟臣主席受國際民主聯盟(International Democrat Union –IDU)之邀,將於台北時間今(20)日晚間9點,以網路研討會的形式,與其他5位與會成員共同討論民主國家如何應對新冠病毒疫情。

本場網路研討會又稱國際民主聯盟虛擬論壇,將由該聯盟主席、前加拿大總理哈伯(Stephen Harper)主持。

除了江主席之外,研討會成員還包括以下5位:前澳洲總理艾伯特(Tony Abbott)、奧地利歐盟事務部長艾茲達德勒(Karoline Edtstadler)、美國企業研究所研究員戈特利伯(Scott Gottlieb)、英國貿易政策次長漢茲(Greg Hands)、美國藥品研究及製造商協會執行副總裁莫希齊茨基(Richard Moscicki)。本次研討會預計將有超過150名的國際民主聯盟成員及其代表參加。




Invited by IDU, KMT Chairman Chiang to Discuss How Democracies Cope with Coronavirus

The Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Johnny Chiang is invited by the International Democrat Union (IDU) to attend a webinar to be held on April 20 at 21:00 (Taipei time), with 5 other panelists, to discuss how democracies have fought against the COVID-19 pandemic.

This webinar, also known as Virtual IDU Forum, will be chaired by IDU Chairman, Stephen Harper, who was a former prime minister of Canada.

In addition to Chairman Chiang, there will be 5 more panelists. They are: Tony Abbott, former prime minister of Australia; Karoline Edtstadler, federal minister of Austria for the European Union; Scott Gottlieb, Resident Fellow of the American Enterprise Institute; Greg Hands, UK minister of state for trade policy; and Richard Moscicki, Executive Vice President of Science and Regulatory Advocacy, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. It is expected to have more than 150 IDU members and their representatives to attend on line.

Chairman Chiang will share his observation with international friends as to why the Republic of China (Taiwan) has managed the coronavirus threat well. He will also touch on the KMT’s proposal that the government of Taiwan should give people money in cash that excludes the rich and helps the pandemic-hit economy more effectively and directly, just as some countries have done or are going to do.

Chairman Chiang is going to solicit the IDU members’ support for Taiwan’s participation in the World Health Organization (WHO). It’s the KMT’s firm belief that this is not about politics but about basic human rights, as well as about the strong desire of Taiwan’s people for contributing to the international community. With Taiwan’s experience and outstanding public health capacity, he hopes nothing will prevent Taiwan from participating in the WHO not only this year but in the future.

Founded in 1983, the IDU is an international alliance for political parties and compromises 73 full and associate members from 63 countries. The KMT has become a full member of the IDU since 1992.
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