2020年7月16日 星期四

【中/ENG】國民黨:拒絕酬庸 退回提名 全民站出來 Reject Political Cronyism, Withdraw the Nominations, The People are Standing Up

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 109.07.14

國民黨:拒絕酬庸 退回提名 全民站出來

中國國民黨今(14)日起於立法院前展開「拒絕酬庸 退回提名 全民站出來」系列陳抗活動,黨部一級主管幹部、多位黨籍民意代表等皆共同參與,齊批本次監察院長被提名人陳菊爭議遍布,不具被提名之資格與正當性,應自行退出;現場全體亦針對民進黨意圖挾立院多數強行於本週推動第五屆院長、副院長及監察委員人事案審查案,表達強烈不滿與抗議。






Reject Political Cronyism, Withdraw the Nominations, The People are Standing Up

On July 14, 2020, the Kuomintang (KMT) launched a series of protests at the Legislative Yuan opposing the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP’s) nomination of Chen Chu (陳菊)as President of the Control Yuan, with the slogan “Reject Political Cronyism, Withdraw the Nominations, The People are Standing Up.” As of July 15, the KMT’s legislators have been occupying the legislative chamber to stop the hearing in which the DPP and its allies are attempting to pass the nomination of Chen by whatever means necessary.

The KMT’s cadres and a number of its legislators have been participating in the protests in order to oppose the nomination of Chen, who faces a wide range of controversies and lacks legitimacy. The KMT expresses strong dissatisfaction with and protests the DPP’s intention to use its tyranny of the majority to pass the nominations of the 5th President and Vice-President, as well as the other members of the Control Yuan.

The KMT emphasizes that the nomination of Chen, who was the secretary-general to President Tsai, has caused a backlash. Furthermore, when Chen was the mayor of Kaohsiung, the Kaohsiung City Government was investigated by the Control Yuan in 58 cases, ordered to correct its actions in 30 cases, and impeached in 3 cases. President Tsai’s nomination of Chen as President of the Control Yuan has destroyed the fundamentals of integrity and impartiality of the supervisory members.

According to the information from the Kaohsiung City Council’s 731 underground-air-explosion investigation team, the Control Yuan had ordered the Kaohsiung City Government to correct its actions regarding its misconduct in the 731 incident. The information shows that the Kaohsiung city government, under the leadership of Chen, may have committed multiple cases of misconduct with the air-explosion recovery funds, including misappropriation of funds, floating of lawyer fees, and concealing of information about donations. Should Chen be proven to have authorized the city government officials to commit such misconduct, her role as the mayor will be highly contentious.

The convener of the investigation team has submitted a petition to the Control Yuan a few days ago, requesting it to call in the Kaohsiung city government and to further clarify Chen’s role and possible misconduct. Due to this unsettled controversy, the KMT reiterates, Chen should withdraw herself from the nomination of President of the Control Yuan. Otherwise, her dual roles as both the player and the referee will lead to a corrupt Control Yuan which will never rightfully reveal the facts and complete necessary investigations.

The KMT also emphasizes that 24 out of the 27 Control Yuan nominees appear to have had close connections with the DPP, many of whom either hold DPP membership or claimed to have withdrawn from the party shortly after being nominated. In addition to Chen’s highly questionable suitability, some of the nominees, who are incumbent members of the Control Yuan, are reportedly involved in inappropriate intervention in judicial independence. The KMT, as the main opposition party, vows to exert an all-out effort to reject this undemocratic and inappropriate list of Control Yuan nominees.

Chen once said, “For those with heaven in their hearts, are fearless against crucifixion.” To preserve our shared democratic values, the KMT urges Chen, if she truly held these words dearly, to put them into practice: to face any investigation and reject her nomination to the Presidency of the Control Yuan, as well as to avoid pursuing personal reputation at the expense of Taiwan’s democracy. If the Control Yuan becomes a safe haven for Chen while the controversies surrounding her persist, this will lead to the downfall of Taiwan’s democracy.

(This is revised from a Chinese press release of the KMT on July 14.)

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