2020年9月17日 星期四

【中/ENG】國民黨: 江主席將親自出席美台國防工業會議 KMT: Chairman Chiang Will Personally Attend the US-Taiwan Defense Industry Conference

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 109.9.17

國民黨: 江主席將親自出席美台國防工業會議

針對媒體詢問中國國民黨對於外媒報導美國將擴大對台軍售以將台灣「要塞化」的看法,國民黨今(17)日表示,江啟臣主席極為重視該報導,並於即將舉行的第19屆美台國防工業會議(US-Taiwan Defense Industry Conference)發表主題演講。這將是國民黨主席首次在前述會議發表演講,傳達國民黨的區域情勢觀點與國防政策要點。


美台國防工業會議為美台商業協會(US-Taiwan Business Council)所舉辦的年度會議,該會會長為美國前國防部副部長、前世界銀行(World Bank)行長伍夫維茲(Paul D. Wolfowitz)。江主席去年曾以國民黨立法委員的身分赴美參加會議,今(2020)年會議於10月5日至6日以線上形式進行。國民黨表示,江主席還將邀請一位資深國防專家與會,以示國民黨對台美國防工業合作的重視。

除了江主席將親自出席美台國防工業會議外,國民黨指出,國民黨與美國在台協會(AIT)的溝通管道也非常順暢,雙方人員保持定期往來,全面性地交換意見,自美國取得政治學博士學位的江主席今年3月上任後,更已與美國在台協會酈英傑(William Brent Christensen)處長會面兩次,雙方談話愉快。

至於有媒體詢及美國國務院主管經濟發展與能源的次卿克拉奇(Keith Krach)於今日來訪,可能要求民進黨政府確認全面開放美國瘦肉精(萊克多巴胺)牛豬肉、縮減台灣對美貿易順差、開放台灣能源市場等事,國民黨表示,始終支持與美國全方位的互惠合作,更視之為中華民國存續的重要關鍵之一,國民黨雖被有心人士誣指為「反美」,但事實是,在例如全面開放含瘦肉精豬肉、牛肉進口等議題上,當中華民國與美國的雙邊利益無法匯聚時,國民黨會負責任地以國家與台灣人民的利益為先,並依此與美方互動協商,因為這才是真正的愛台灣。


KMT: Chairman Chiang Will Personally Attend the US-Taiwan Defense Industry Conference

KMT Culture and Communications Committee
September 17, 2020

In response to media inquiries for the Kuomintang (KMT) regarding its view on foreign media reports that the US will expand arms sales to Taiwan to create a "Fortress Taiwan," the KMT stated today (9/17) that Chairman Johnny Chiang attaches great importance to this issue and will give a keynote speech at the incipient 19th US-Taiwan Defense Industry Conference. This will be the KMT Chairman's first time giving a speech at the aforementioned conference; he will convey the KMT's main national defense policies and perspective on the regional situation.

The KMT points out that Chairman Chiang believes, keeping in mind that US arms sales are vital for the security of the Republic of China (ROC) especially in this period of rapidly worsening security in the Taiwan Strait, that all relevant parties in the Taiwan Strait should maintain self control in military and political affairs, and restore peace and stability to the Taiwan Strait as quickly as possible. Chairman Chiang also believes that the whole population should pay close attention to the priority and sequence evaluations of purchases from the US military; President Tsai Ing-Wen and her national security team should realistically and publically evaluate whether or not bulk purchases from the US military would impact the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government's current push for domestically produced submarines, drones, missiles, and other important "Independent National Defense" projects.

The US-Taiwan Defense Industry Conference is an annual conference held by the US-Taiwan Business Council. Paul D. Wolfowitz, former US Deputy Secretary of Defense and former President of World Bank, served as chairman of the Council. The current chairman is Mr. Michael R. Splinter. Last year Chairman Chiang, as a KMT legislator, went to the US to attend this conference; this year's (2020) conference will be held online on October 5th and 6th. The KMT states that Chairman Chiang will also invite a senior national defense expert to participate in the meeting to show that the KMT greatly values ROC-US defense industry cooperation.

Besides Chairman Chiang personally attending the US-Taiwan Defense Industry Conference, the KMT points out that the KMT-US AIT communication channel has been exceptionally smooth; personnel on both sides have maintained periodic contact and comprehensive exchange of ideas. Since the US-educated Political Science PhD holding Chairman Chiang took office this March, he has met with AIT Director William Brent Christensen twice and had productive conversations with him.

The media also inquired about US State Department Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Keith Krach visiting Taiwan today; he might request that the DPP government confirm comprehensive admission of US ractopamine beef and pork, reduce Taiwan's trade surplus with the US, and open up Taiwan's energy market, amongst other matters. The KMT responded that it has long supported comprehensive, mutually beneficial cooperation with the US, and even more so regards this cooperation as one of the most important keys to the ROC's existence. Although the KMT has been deliberately and falsely accused to be "Anti-American" by certain public figures, the reality is, taking the topic of comprehensive admission of ractopamine pork and beef imports as an example, when the ROC and US were unable to find mutual interest, the KMT would responsibly prioritize the ROC and the interests of the Taiwanese people, and heed these interests when discussing matters with the US side, because this is genuine love for Taiwan.

The KMT reiterates that the KMT Legislative Yuan Foreign and National Defense Committee legislators and the US AIT are in the process of arranging a date for another meeting. Furthermore, the KMT and US officials have contact channels both inside and outside of the Legislative Yuan. If the DPP government does not dare or finds it inconvenient to convey important public opinion to US officials, the KMT is very willing, for the sake of the people, to employ all possible means to take up the responsibility of being the communications bridge with US officials.

(This is an abridged version of the KMT’s Chinese language news release.)

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