2020年10月10日 星期六

【中/ENG】蔡總統國慶演說避談民眾切身議題 不符民意期待 President Tsai’s National Day Address Fails People’s Expectations as She Shuns Bread-and-Butter Issues

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 109.10.10

蔡總統國慶演說避談民眾切身議題 不符民意期待



對於蔡總統演說中談及「積極作為參與區域合作」,國民黨認為內容非常空洞,除一再端出超前部署、價值同盟等名詞外,並未提出目標與方向的清晰闡述,也沒有具體成果的說明。國民黨質疑,蔡總統所謂「積極參與區域及國際的多邊合作和對話」,除馬政府時期即已建立的全球合作訓練架構(GCTF)外,到底有哪些新突破?在我國區域經濟整合的策略與願景方面,又有哪些明確主張?對於當前我國加入CPTPP與 RCEP的挑戰,竟完全避而不提。



對於蔡總統呼籲穩定兩岸關係,和希望開啟兩岸對話,國民黨指出,這一直是國民黨一貫的主張。國民黨呼籲大陸方面採取進一步行動, 落實大陸領導人所說的不稱霸,在兩岸關係上求同存異、相互尊重。此外,蔡總統呼籲兩岸開啟對話,但對海峽論壇事件的做法,卻與此相背,令引戰者成為英雄,溝通者被汙名打擊。若蔡總統真有心要開啟兩岸對話,應該要從自己改變起,也應該嚴格約束民進黨人士,不要再動輒傷害為兩岸對話付出的同胞,以彰顯維護兩岸和平的決心。





President Tsai’s National Day Address Fails People’s Expectations as She Shuns Bread-and-Butter Issues

President Tsai delivered her National Day address this (10/10) morning. In response, the Kuomintang (KMT) states in a press release that during the address, the current administration put too much emphasis on its achievements in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, while purposely choosing to ignore issues relating to people’s livelihood, such as imports of US pork containing ractopamine (racto-pork), judicial reform, and pension reform, to name just a few. The KMT believes that Tsai’s speech fails people’s expectations in general.


During the address, President Tsai called for cross-party cooperation for the sake of freedom and democracy. In light of this, the KMT believes that President Tsai should be aware of the fact that over 60% of Taiwanese are, in fact, against the importation of US racto-pork. The KMT urges President Tsai to act in accordance with democratic values, to heed mainstream opinion, and to listen to opposing voices. President Tsai should abandon the policy of allowing imports of US racto-pork.


Taiwan is widely acclaimed for its fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there is no denying that many controversies have occurred during the pandemic. For example, face masks from our “national team” were mixed with ones produced in the Mainland for sales by unscrupulous businessmen. In addition, the stockpile of influenza vaccines is not enough for civilian needs. We believe that the government should pay more attention to the situation on the ground and should not be complacent during the later stages of the pandemic.


President Tsai mentioned during her speech that Taiwan should “proactively participate in regional collaboration.” However, the KMT finds Tsai’s statement lacking in content and substance. Despite repeating catchphrases such as “advance preparation” and “like-minded and friendly nations,” the address does not bring any clear proposition forward nor explain any specific achievement. Furthermore, President Tsai’s efforts to “proactively participate in regional collaboration” make few changes or developments to the existing Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF) launched by the Ma administration. The KMT questions President Tsai’s economic integration strategy as she fails to mention our current challenges while seeking to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).


The KMT raises the question of how to ride out the storm in the midst of our diplomatic dilemma. Since President Tsai’s inauguration in 2016, we have lost seven diplomatic allies and countless opportunities for participation in international organizations. Is “proactively participating in regional collaboration” our only remaining solution? If not, how exactly do we answer the question? These are the questions that should have been answered in her address. President Tsai has, yet again, avoided speaking on topics crucial to her administration.


Regarding President Tsai’s address on national defense, the KMT believes that, while we should rely on military equipment to maintain peace across the Taiwan Strait, the government should also consider non-military strategies. The KMT hopes that the leaders on both sides of the Strait will work together to facilitate meaningful dialogue and to pursue a peaceful Taiwan Strait and regional stability. This is our common responsibility.


Regarding President Tsai’s call for stable cross-Strait relations and her willingness to hold a dialogue with Beijing, the KMT reiterates its past commitments to the goals mentioned above. The KMT further calls upon the Mainland to implement what its leaders have repeated on several occasions, i.e., seeking common ground while shelving differences and approaching the cross-Strait issue based on mutual respect.


President Tsai emphasized during her speech that the government and the opposition should unite under the banner of liberty and democracy, yet she herself betrayed the spirit of democracy when she allowed US racto-pork to be imported to Taiwan with polls from all sides showing approximately 65% disapproval of such action. The KMT urges President Tsai to halt the decision, listen to people’s opinions, and implement democracy to its highest principle.


On the issue of sovereignty, the KMT firmly supports the increase of international space for the Republic of China. However, with much regret, after 4 years of DPP rule, our international space has, in fact, been shrinking. The KMT hopes President Tsai will approach the issue practically in order to substantially increase our international space.


(This is an abridged version of the KMT’s Chinese news release)

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