2020年10月19日 星期一

【中/ENG】陸外交人員毆打我駐外人員,國民黨表達譴責,要求道歉 KMT Condemns Violence and Demands Apology from Mainland China over Gatecrashers Incident in Fiji

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 109.10.19





KMT Condemns Violence and Demands Apology from Mainland China over Gatecrashers Incident in Fiji

KMT Culture and Communications Committee / October 19, 2020

Taiwan’s trade office in Fiji was hosting an official function at the Grand Pacific Hotel in Suva, Fiji’s capital, on October 8th to celebrate the National Day of the Republic of China (ROC). It is reported that two diplomats of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) had gatecrashed the hotel function and assaulted Taiwan’s diplomatic officials during the event.

The KMT strongly condemns such violent actions by PRC diplomats and calls on the Mainland authorities to make public apologies. Mainland China should conduct an investigation into the incident and mete out the severest punishment to those who should be held accountable. The KMT also urges the Tsai Ing-wen administration to lodge a stern protest with the Mainland authorities over the violence against our diplomats.

Meanwhile, the KMT urges the Foreign Ministry to make a demarche with Fiji, hoping that Fiji can handle the incident in an impartial manner. In a follow-up, the Foreign Ministry should explain in detail to the public regarding the outcome of the investigation and how the Fiji government will handle the incident.

The KMT states that nothing like this has happened before, especially when Taiwan and the Mainland maintained good relations in the past. Cross-Strait relations began to deteriorate when President Tsai Ing-wen assumed office in 2016. Recently, the PLA Air Force aircraft conducted a set of provocative and unusual sorties over the sea to the southwest of Taiwan, which made cross-Strait relations even worse; the situation across the Strait becomes more dangerous owing to what happened in Fiji today.

The KMT calls on the Mainland authorities to exercise restraint. We believe that resorting to measures such as coercion and violence will never win the hearts and minds of the people of Taiwan.

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