2020年11月10日 星期二

【中/ENG】國民黨:蔡政府倒行逆施 行政院荒腔走板 全民認證! KMT: Entire Population Understands: Tsai Administration Actions Inappropriate, Executive Yuan Ridiculously Hypocritical

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 109.11.10

國民黨:蔡政府倒行逆施 行政院荒腔走板 全民認證!

中國國民黨今(10)日上午召開「蔡政府倒行逆施 行政院荒腔走板 全民認證!」記者會,由文傳會主委王育敏、副主委黃子哲、鄭照新共同主持,針對近期治安、政院網軍、疫苗等大眾關注之議題公布民調。國民黨指出,蔡政府近期螺絲全鬆,除了遭爆行政院用人民納稅錢養網軍、治安會報等十餘項法定會議沒開等諸多違法怠惰事件頻出,民調結果更凸顯,蔡政府的荒腔走板就連泛綠民眾都看不下去。


針對先前臺灣東洋公司取得德國疫苗的計畫跳票後,民眾對政府研發與取得新冠肺炎疫苗的信心,已經出現 「死亡交叉」,過去民調顯示有高達六至七成民眾,對政府協助業者研發或取得疫苗有信心,但隨著「東洋跳票」,僅剩三成左右民眾尚滿意,四成多民眾已不滿意。國民黨表示,再多的宣傳廣告,也禁不起民進黨政府一再被揭穿跳票。隨著秋冬天氣轉冷,新冠病毒可能再次爆發大流行,境外移入病例有增無減,已有高達六成以上民眾擔憂臺灣可能爆發本土新冠肺炎傳染者。國民黨呼籲,政府應更積極協助業者研發疫苗以及取得國外的疫苗進口,為人民爭取時間、化解憂慮,並防止臺灣的經濟持續窒息。



KMT: Entire Population Understands:

Tsai Administration Actions Inappropriate, Executive Yuan Ridiculously Hypocritical

This morning, the Kuomintang (KMT) convened a press conference, titled “The Entire Population Understands that the Tsai Administration’s Actions are Inappropriate and the Executive Yuan is Ridiculously Hypocritical!”, with Culture and Communications Committee Director General Alicia Wang (王育敏) and Deputy Director Generals Huang Tzu-che (黃子哲) and Steve Cheng (鄭照新) hosting together. They addressed the recently published opinion polls regarding topics of deep interest to the people, such as public safety, Executive Yuan internet trolls, COVID-19 vaccines, and more. The KMT pointed out that recently, the screws in the Tsai administration have all come loose. In addition to the exposure of the Executive Yuan spending the people’s tax money to fund internet trolls and the frequent failures to convene ad hoc cabinet-level public safety committee meetings, plus ten other mandatory conferences, due to indolence, the results of the opinion polls further made it obvious that even the pan-green population despises the Tsai administration’s ridiculous hypocrisy.

The KMT pointed out that according to the opinion polls, regarding the recent kidnapping and murder case of a Malaysian female college student in Tainan, 48.9% of people believe that Taiwan’s public safety circumstances are worse than in the past, only 13.6% think that the circumstances have improved; the difference is almost a factor of four. Furthermore, 35.4% of pan-green respondents believe that public safety has become worse. The KMT stated that Premier Su Tseng-chang has not convened ad hoc cabinet-level public safety committee meetings, believing that these meetings, which are pertinent to the public, are unnecessary, and when public safety incidents do occur, he first passes the blame onto the local police bureau chief while the people are directly affected the most. A Premier cannot turn a deaf ear and bury his head in the sand regarding the people’s misgivings and concerns. Regarding Premier Su’s refusal to convene ad hoc cabinet-level public safety committee meetings by using the pandemic as an excuse, 68.9% of people disagree with his refusal, and only slightly over 10% agreed. These numbers reveal only that Premier Su’s excuses are useless. The KMT emphasizes that if Premier Su continues to use the “pandemic” as an excuse, failure to convene conferences that are required by law will be interpreted as precedent and will only once again make it clear that when confronting his own neglect of responsibility, he is just arrogant. At President Tsai’s 2016 inauguration, she said, “A government cannot eternally be shock; in the future, we must use all our strength to prevent tragedy from reoccurring and strengthen Taiwanese society’s safety net.” At her 2020 re-inauguration she made more promises, saying that in the coming four years she will make the social safety net “even more meticulous,” yet the polling results show that 60% of the population already regard her “social safety net” repairs as a failure.

After the plans of TTY Biopharm Company Limited to acquire a German vaccine resulted in a bounced check, the population’s confidence in the government to develop or acquire a COVID-19 vaccine has become a “death cross.” Past polls showed that sixty to seventy percent of the population had confidence in government assistance to the industry for vaccine research and development or acquisition, but in the wake of the “TTY Check Bounce,” only thirty percent of the population is now still satisfied with government performance, and over forty percent of the population is already dissatisfied. The KMT stated that no matter how much propaganda is disseminated, the repeated exposure of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government’s bounced checks is unbearable. With the weather becoming colder as we move into fall and winter, there may be another widespread outbreak of COVID-19, and the number of imported cases has sharply increased. Over 60% of the population is already concerned that there may be an indigenous outbreak of COVID-19 in Taiwan. The KMT called upon the government to more actively assist the industry in developing a vaccine and acquiring foreign vaccines. The DPP government should act with urgency and dispel anxiety for the sake of the people and prevent Taiwan’s economy from continuing to suffocate.

Regarding the exposure of the Executive Yuan spending the national budget to order its staff to make trolling images during working hours and anonymously attack opposition party legislators, seventy percent of the population believes that the Executive Yuan has violated its obligated neutrality, and among the pan-green respondents, 55.9% also recognize the Executive Yuan as violating its neutrality. Only four percent of the remaining interviewees expressed different opinions. The KMT stated that the large disparity between negative and positive opinions indicates that, irrespective of political party affiliation, the people are all unable to tolerate the government spending the national budget on partisan operations, raising internet trolls, and other types of similar behaviors. Regarding the Executive Yuan’s unwillingness to apologize, although it should be classified as “immediate news explanation,” nearly seventy percent of the population cannot blindly agree with such refusal, and among the pan-green interviewees, over 50% were also unable to accept the refusal. The KMT questioned whether or not Premier Su’s Executive Yuan believes that “national politics can be suspended, but denouncing opposition parties cannot be paused?” The KMT called on Premier Su to cease being stubborn since he has already violated administrative neutrality and honest, ethical politics. The failure of the Agency Against Corruption, under the Ministry of Justice, to initiative an investigation is simply more coverup.

The source poll was conducted by the Apollo Survey & Research Co. Ltd on November 5th and November 6th via local polling with a 95% confidence level, margin of error plus/minus 3.2%, and effective sample size of 916 people.


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