2020年11月15日 星期日

【中/ENG】RCEP誕生,蔡英文總統應向全民報告台灣該怎麼辦 President Tsai Should Tell People Where Taiwan Is Heading After Being Excluded From RCEP?

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 109.11.15









第三,民進黨刻意不提東北亞在RCEP簽署後的經貿變局對我國之影響。中國大陸、日本與南韓等東北亞三強,將藉由RCEP做進一步的經貿整合,不僅被認為間接與中共當局「一帶一路」的規劃相互呼應,且與美國欲以「印太戰略」(Indo-Pacific Strategy)制約中國大陸的企圖有所扞格。民進黨若無法參與RCEP或CPTPP,又遇到美國政權更迭,對美雙邊投資協定(BTA)與自由貿易協定(FTA)更非易事,長此以往,台灣的經濟前景堪慮。





President Tsai Should Tell People Where Taiwan Is Heading After Being Excluded From RCEP?
Press Release
KMT Culture and Communications Committee

After eight years of negotiations, a total of 15 countries finally inked “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership” (RCEP) agreement in a virtual ceremony on 15th November. The massive trade agreement includes Mainland China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as 10 ASEAN countries. The RCEP region covers a total of 30% of the world’s population and accounts for 29% of global GDP and 27% of the world’s trade volume. The scope and scale of RCEP has surpassed that of the “Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership” (CPTPP), which covers 6.9% of the world’s population, and accounts for 12.9% of the world’s GDP and 14.9% of the world’s trade volume.

Taiwan’s trade with RCEP members accounts for 59% of Taiwan’s total trades and 65% of its total investments. In light of this, we realize that Taiwan’s exclusion from the RCEP will definitely cause adverse effects for Taiwan’s economy.

The KMT points out that the RCEP is by far the largest regional economic integration effort on earth. However, over the past four years, the Tsai Ing-wen government has engaged in empty talks and done nothing practical while dealing with international and cross-Strait relations. The DPP turns a blind eye towards changes in the international environment and fails to strive for Taiwan’s accession to the RCEP, while dusting off responsibility by casting blame on Mainland China’s suppression as an excuse for Taiwan’s failure to join the RCEP.

Regarding the DPP’s inaction over Taiwan’s being excluded from the RCEP, the KMT would like to express its positions as follows.

Firstly, the DPP ignores the importance of a dual-track regional economic cooperation mechanism as it only seeks to follow every footstep of the US. When the KMT was still in power from 2008 to 2016, the KMT government adopted a dual-track approach by seeking to join both the RCEP and TPP (now CPTPP). During the early stage of President Tsai Ing-wen’s first term, the DPP government also put Taiwan’s accession to the TPP (or CPTPP) as a priority in her governance. However, the DPP government took an abrupt turn later on and put it on the shelf. Now, the DPP government hastily allows the imports of US pork containing ractopamine at the expense of public health only to seek dialogues with the US on trade and economic issues.

Secondly, since the US is not a member of the RCEP, cross-Strait relations, therefore, become a crucial factor in deciding whether or not Taiwan will join the RCEP. The Tsai administration continues to fan the flames of anti-China sentiment to the public and block good-will exchanges across the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan is caught between a rock and a hard place in the regional economic integration and cooperation as the DPP government sits idly by and let the advantages of the cross-Strait “Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement” (ECFA) wither.

A critical point that the KMT must stress on is that Taiwan is being marginalized economically in the Asia-Pacific or Indo-Pacific region due to inappropriate policies of the DPP government. Our country is the only place in the region alongside North Korea and East Timor that is being excluded from the law-binding multi-lateral economic cooperation mechanisms. Meanwhile, Mainland China, and other US allies such as Japan, South Korea and Australia are cooperating in trade and economic integrations within the RCEP framework. The long-term prospect of Taiwan’s economy is worrying under the rule of the DPP administration if Taiwan should fail to join the RCEP or the CPTPP, yet also fails to sign a bilateral trade or free trade agreement with the US. Under such circumstances, the future for our youth and next generations will be jeopardized.

Most importantly, the KMT would like to urge the DPP government not to engage in internet smear campaign by utilizing official resources or mobilizing so-called ‘cyber warriors’. Just take Ting Yi-ming as an example. Ting Yi-ming stepped down as Executive Yuan spokesman after he falsely claimed that an award-winning beef noodle restaurant serves beef containing ractopamine.

It is of urgent priority that President Tsai convene high-level inter-ministerial meetings to conduct objective, full assessments of the impacts on Taiwan’s exclusion from the RCEP. After that, the DPP government should put forward strategies and report them to the Legislative Yuan in an official, transparent and candid manner so that the public can realize the dire situation ahead of us.
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