2020年12月21日 星期一

【中/ENG】國民黨國際事務部對於民進黨國際事務部的臉書回應KMT Department of International Affairs Official Response to DPP Department of International Affairs Facebook Post


1. 民進黨在12/17宣稱國民黨江主席在近來萊豬議題上神隱,但一直在搞神隱、不願意出面負責的人,並不是這幾個月來一直站第一線為食品安全把關、為民眾健康請命的國民黨江啟臣主席,而是老是把「謙卑、謙卑、再謙卑」掛在嘴邊、卻不敢直面民意的民進黨主席蔡英文。
2. 民進黨習慣亂扣別人帽子、亂貼標籤的惡習不改。民進黨宣稱盧秀燕市長對美國在台協會突襲,但真正對於台灣民眾健康發動突襲的,並非是背負人民託付的盧秀燕市長,而是在828日以行政命令宣布進口萊豬的蔡英文,民進黨政府從上到下,在事前沒有任何跟國會溝通,沒有向老百姓說明,也沒有對國內產業進行衝擊評估,這才是目前朝野困境的始作俑者。
3. 蔡英文總統任期已進入第二任,但對外政策卻頻頻出現戰略誤判,美國總統大選期間押寶、選邊站的種種作為,國人歷歷在目;對內溝通施政死當,毫無誠意與社會對話,只想要強渡關山,甚至處心積慮就是要封住不同意見人士的嘴。
4. 我們呼喚持續神隱的蔡總統,您對得起自己在總統就職宣誓的誓詞?— 「余謹以至誠,向全國人民宣誓,余必遵守憲法,盡忠職務,增進人民福利,保衛國家,無負國民付託。...」身為中華民國總統,蔡總統請捫心自問一下,您的所作所為增進了人民福利?是否無負國民所託?
KMT Department of International Affairs Official Response to DPP Department of International Affairs Facebook Post:
1) On December 17th, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) claimed that recently, Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Johnny Chiang has been hiding from the issue of pork containing ractopamine (racto-pork). (Note: the key term “hiding; 神隱” somehow failed to make it into the DPP’s English “translation”). On the contrary, Chairman Chiang has been, over the past few months, continuously fighting on the frontlines for food safety checks and for the people’s health. He is absolutely not the one who has been continuously hiding and who has been unwilling to step up to take responsibility; rather, that dishonor belongs to someone who consistently repeats, over and over again, “humility, humility, humility,” yet dares not face public opinion: DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen.
2) The DPP refuses to change its bad habit of arbitrarily labelling and arbitrarily disparaging others. The DPP claimed that Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen ambushed the American Institute in Taiwan, but the true ambush, which was on the Taiwanese people’s health, was not conducted by Mayor Lu, who bears responsibility to the people. Rather, the true ambush took place on August 28th via executive order to announce the import of racto-pork onto Taiwan by Tsai Ing-wen. Before this ambush, the entire DPP government wholly failed to communicate with the Legislative Yuan, failed to explain its decision to the people, and failed to conduct market impact analysis for the domestic pork industry. These failures are the origin of Taiwanese society’s current plight.
3) The Tsai Ing-wen administration is already in its second term, yet its foreign policy continues to teem with strategic errors: for example, the Taiwanese people still vividly remember the administration’s numerous instances of picking sides in the recent US presidential election. Furthermore, the administration’s domestic policy has failed entirely: it refuses to have sincere dialogue with Taiwanese society and instead seeks to get its way by force, even going as far as scheming to silence the voices of dissenters.

4) To the continuously hiding President Tsai: Do you truly consider yourself worthy of the oath you took for the office of President? “I do solemnly and sincerely swear before the people of the whole country that I will observe the Constitution, faithfully perform my duties, promote the welfare of the people, safeguard the security of the State, and will in no way betray the people's trust…” As President of the Republic of China, President Tsai, please look in your heart: has your conduct truly promoted the welfare of the people? Have you not betrayed the people’s trust? 
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