2021年1月10日 星期日

【國/ENG】國民黨:支持推動對美交流 呼籲更具體提升雙邊關係KMT Supports Further Exchanges with US, Calls for More Concrete Upgrades of Bilateral Relations

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.01.10

國民黨:支持推動對美交流 呼籲更具體提升雙邊關係

針對美國國務卿龐培歐(Mike Pompeo)今(10)日宣布解除台美交往限制,中國國民黨表示,國民黨正面看待中華民國與美國官方關係的進步,也會努力在符合中華民國憲法與人民普遍期待的前提上,協助國家推動對美交流。同時,國民黨亦敦促民進黨政府務必追求獨立自主的對外關係,堅持平等友好、互惠互利等原則,以務實地因應對美及對中國大陸關係間的連鎖變化,不要變成美國與中國大陸任何一方對弈的籌碼。



KMT Supports Further Exchanges with US, Calls for More Concrete Upgrades of Bilateral Relations

The Kuomintang (KMT) issues the following statement regarding United States (US) Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s declaration of lifting restrictions on the Taiwan-US relationship: the KMT looks favorably upon the improvement of relations between the Republic of China (ROC) and the US. Based upon the preconditions of adherence to the ROC Constitution and the people’s universal expectations, the KMT will strive to assist the ROC’s push for exchanges with the US.

The KMT also urges the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government to pursue independent foreign relations, insist on equal, friendly, and mutually beneficial principles, and respond pragmatically to changes in US-Mainland China relations. The DPP government must not become a bargaining chip for either the US or Mainland China.

Furthermore, the KMT appeals for more than symbolic actions. More concrete, substantive, and persistent promotion of bilateral relations is necessary.
Finally, the KMT states that most Taiwanese people are pro-US, just like the KMT. However, the pursuit and defense of the ROC’s interests are the most fundamental guides in foreign relations. When pursuing pro-US relations, this point must be insisted on. Whether or not Pompeo’s vow can be extended to the Biden administration will be a critical indicator. Of course, it is desirable that the levels of exchange between the ROC and the US can be actually upgraded, and that the hierarchy of official contact can be sustainably promoted, not just a flash in the pan. The KMT calls for further substantive, mutually beneficial policies.

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