2021年2月18日 星期四

【中/ENG】首位台灣政治人物獲選「百大未來領導人」,江主席感到欣慰:堅定持續走改革路線 First Taiwanese Political Figure Chosen as “100 Next Rising Leader” Chairman Chiang Contented: Will Resolutely Persist on the Path of Reform

           新 聞 稿         中國國民黨文化傳播委員會    110.2.18



中國國民黨主席江啟臣獲《2021 TIME100 NEXT》評選為「百大未來領導人」,江主席今(18)日受訪時表示感到很榮幸也很欣慰,能夠獲選應該不是他個人,而是整個國民黨過去這段時間的革新改變,獲得國際媒體關心,國際社會也相當期待。江主席指出,《TIME》的內容提到國民黨未來轉型、區域安全穩定上的決策立場,都是受到高度關注與期待的,因此,未來國民黨改革將會持續,而且會團結、穩健,「我們不會躁進,但會堅定持續走改革路線」!

《TIME100 Next》自2019年起,每年選出全球一百位正在改變未來的新興領袖,江主席今年獲選是首位台灣政治人物入榜。江主席表示,除了感到欣慰,也會更加努力與加油!




First Taiwanese Political Figure Chosen as “100 Next Rising Leader”

Chairman Chiang Contented: Will Resolutely Persist on the Path of Reform

Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Johnny Chiang was voted onto “2021 TIME100 Next” as an emerging leader. During an interview today (February 18th), Chairman Chiang stated that while he feels very honored and contented, he didn’t do it on his own. Rather, the entire KMT’s innovation and transformation from the past few months have attracted the attention of foreign media; the international community also has considerable expectations. Chairman Chiang pointed out that TIME mentioned that the KMT’s future transformation and policy positions on the safety and stability of the region have all received a high media profile and anticipation. Therefore, the KMT will continue to reform, and furthermore will continue to be united; “we will not rush forward impatiently, but will instead resolutely continue on the path of reform!”

Since 2019, “TIME 100 Next” has selected one hundred emerging leaders from around the globe who are currently transforming the future. Chairman Chiang was the first Taiwanese political figure to be chosen for the list. Chairman Chiang stated that besides feeling contented, he will also intensify his efforts and put the pedal to the metal!

Looking back on the circumstances of his interview, Chairman Chiang explained that recently, a TIME international reporter had gotten in touch with him, hoping to conduct an interview. The reporter wished to understand the progress of KMT reforms and the Chairman’s thoughts and future positions, including US-Mainland-Taiwan relations, changes in the regional security environment, the KMT’s past and future cross-Strait policy positions, and other views. Chairman Chiang emphasized that at the time, he was unclear on how the interview would be published. He only knew that it might be similar to a standard media interview, and it wasn’t until right before publication that he found out that he was on the list of names for 100 Next.

Chairman Chiang also mentioned that any sort of reform, especially reforms for a centenarian political party, must balance numerous different voices and history of past developments. This requires time and communication. During the process of discussion, there will be different opinions and conflicting viewpoints. One must be able of opening up one’s own mind; many matters take time, and after going through multiple discussions and with great effort, even if in the end the original goal was not necessarily achieved, “reform requires a steady pace and resolute attitude.” This sort of attitude must be exhibited for people with different opinions to feel.

Chairman Chiang also emphasized that the KMT’s reforms are not restricted to merely cross-Strait discourse; other reforms, including facets of organization, financial affairs, local party affairs, local government elections, and others are also simultaneously underway at the moment. He admitted that during the past time period of almost a year, he has faced massive pressure; the outside world also holds some expectations towards us. From the TIME report it can be seen that the international community and media have always paid close attention to the KMT’s reforms. We will be vigilant and conscientious, hope that the pace of future reforms can move forward steadily, and ensure that those with expectations will not be disappointed.

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