2021年2月5日 星期五

【中/ENG】國民黨:中共當局勿打壓中華民國國際空間 蔡政府應檢討「炒短線式」涉外工作KMT: CCP Authorities Must Not Suppress ROC International Space Tsai Administration Should Reflect on its Shortsighted Diplomatic Work

           新 聞 稿        中國國民黨文化傳播委員會      110.2.5

國民黨:中共當局勿打壓中華民國國際空間 蔡政府應檢討「炒短線式」涉外工作



一、之所以「不在行」,是因為在外交部實際派人駐點數週後,欲設立的「台灣辦事處」(Taiwan Office)被民進黨政府高調操作成「具官方代表地位,意義與代表處相當」的外交突破,但蓋國外交部同時宣稱這僅是為了讓蓋國與台灣之間的私人組織開創空間,「未承認台灣是獨立的國家」、「沒有要與台北建立外交關係」,後來在取消設處的聲明中又提遵守中共當局的「一中原則」,等於讓全世界都聽到蓋國政府對台灣的矮化定位。這是民進黨政府弄巧成拙的結果。






KMT: CCP Authorities Must Not Suppress ROC International Space
Tsai Administration Should Reflect on its Shortsighted Diplomatic Work
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) had only just announced yesterday (February 4th) that a “Taiwan Office” would be established in Guyana, but today (February 5th) Guyana has already announced the termination of the agreement to establish the aforementioned “Taiwan Office.” The Kuomintang (KMT) believes that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government’s shortsighted assessment and handling, in addition to the poor efficacy of its expenditures, should be subject to the inspection of compatriots and self-reflection. The KMT also emphasizes that the DPP government should realize that if cross-Strait deadlocks are not resolved, then the pressure on diplomatic affairs will unequivocally not let up.
The KMT further points out that this Guyana debacle clearly illustrates the DPP government’s diplomatic incompetence, irresponsibility, and wishful thinking:
1) The reason the DPP is “incompetent” is because, several weeks after MOFA had actually dispatched someone to the station, hoping to establish the “Taiwan Office,” the DPP government magniloquently manipulated this event into a diplomatic breakthrough: “this official representative position is equivalent to a representative office.” However, the Guyana Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation simultaneously asserted that this so called “breakthrough” was merely for the sake of allowing space for the establishment of private organizations between Guyana and Taiwan. Guyana has not recognized Taiwan as an independent nation, and will not establish any diplomatic ties or relations with Taipei. Afterwards, in the statement cancelling the office, compliance with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authority’s “One-China policy” was also raised, essentially alerting the entire world know to the Guyanese government’s minimization of Taiwan’s position. This is the result of the DPP government outsmarting itself.
2) The reason the DPP is “irresponsible” is because, the DPP government is in the middle of a diplomatic dilemma; for the sake of demonstrating that its diplomatic breakthroughs are not limited to merely relations with the United States, it therefore tries to look for a breakthrough within the ranks of those stationed in overseas offices. Previously, the DPP had expended a vast sum in Somaliland (which has not obtained recognition from any United Nations members) to set up an office, which has already caused a lot of tongues to wag, and at present, all that can be seen is diplomatic personnel bitterly defending their tenuous footholds. This time, an attempt has been made to set up an office in Guyana, with which we have had scarce interaction, also expending large amounts of manpower and capital. Yet in the end, it was all for naught. All of these resources are the fruit of the people’s blood, sweat, and tears; the proper way to spend these resources is to employ them only in the most advantageous diplomatic situations.
3) The DPP’s “wishful thinking” indicates the DPP government’s ignorance of the consequences of worsening cross-Strait relations. As a result, due to the CCP authority’s intervention, the Guyana Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation stated that it would continue to comply with the “One China” principle, and that the “Taiwan Office” was subsequently cancelled. This matter had only been exposed for less than twenty four hours, causing a burst of domestic announcements, before it came to an abrupt end; truly a farce. Our nation’s diplomatic relations cannot be separated from cross-Strait relations; President Tsai Ing-wen’s national security and foreign affairs teams must not bury their heads in the sand. They should instead find the key to easing cross-Strait tensions; this key was present when the KMT was in office. The KMT inquires: what about now?
The KMT has, from beginning to end, publically called upon the CCP authorities to not suppress the Republic of China’s international space. The 23 million people of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu have the right to reach out to foreign countries and participate in international organizations, and have never been subordinated under the CCP authorities. However, the KMT greatly recognizes the efforts of professional diplomatic personnel. The KMT also sternly warns the DPP government that: diplomacy must prioritize the development of one’s own nation and benefit the people’s well-being; the exceedingly limited diplomatic resources must be employed pragmatically, prudently, and nimbly; and the DPP’s own power struggles and ideology must not be placed above the national interest simply because the people’s oversight is difficult to bear.
The KMT supports the development of the Republic of China’s unofficial diplomatic relations into meaningful and substantively beneficial interactions, but disapproves of the DPP government incompetently, irresponsibly, with wishful thinking; in the name of setting up agencies and representative offices; and chaotically looking for diplomatic breakthroughs. The KMT hopes to see the DPP government conduct a pragmatic and responsible foreign policy; the DPP cannot simply blame all of its mistakes on “CCP suppression.” The KMT requests that MOFA do the following: explain the course of events and considerations of this strategic decision; apologize to our compatriots for its inability to defend our nation’s dignity and its wasteful throwing away of resources in its diplomatic work; and have government officials take political responsibility.

Finally, the KMT once again requests that MOFA, which represents the nation, defend the Republic of China. The KMT endorses most of the statements within MOFA’s original February 5th press release, but apart from somewhat maintaining the establishment of an office in Guyana, MOFA should stop issuing bizarre statements such as “the Republic of China Taiwan is a sovereign and independent country.” MOFA should loudly declare that our country is the Republic of China!
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