2021年3月18日 星期四

【中/ENG】蔡總統應節制抹紅在野黨言行 專心國政 The President should Withhold from Tagging ‘Pro-CCP’ Label on the KMT and Focus on Governance

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.03.18

蔡總統應節制抹紅在野黨言行 專心國政






The President should Withhold from Tagging ‘Pro-CCP’ Label on the KMT and Focus on Governance

In response to President Tsai’s claim during an internal meeting at the DPP Headquarter of Taipei City, wrongfully claiming that the KMT would turn Taiwan into the second Hong Kong. The KMT responded that President Tsai had failed to act as President, thus forgetting to unify the nation but strived to serve the DPP’s interests. The KMT hoped that the President could be disciplined in words and action, and focus on ruling the country.

The KMT points out that the KMT Chairman Chiang, has expressed disappointment towards the CCP’s actions and conducts in Hong Kong based on the ROC Constitution. Chiang calls on Beijing to ensure Hong Kong’s freedom, democratic system, and the promise of ‘Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong, in order to garner support of the public in Hong Kong.

The KMT states that President Tsai contradicts her own statement. While acknowledging that opposing the ‘One Country Two Systems’ is the common ground between the KMT and the DPP, Tsai, on the other hand, condemned KMT’s way of governing as turning Taiwan into another Hong Kong. Given President Tsai’s acknowledgement of KMT’s opposition towards ‘One Country Two Systems’, how would the KMT turn Taiwan into Hong Kong by maintaining cross-Strait peace with KMT’s strategy of ruling Taiwan?

The KMT stressed that when the KMT was in power, our country maintained diplomatic relations with 22 countries, and could meaningfully participated in international activities. On the contrary, President Tsai has been in office for the past five years, we could no longer take part in the World Health Assembly (WHA), and maintain diplomatic relations with only 15 countries. When the KMT was in power, it effectively defend the ROC’s sovereignty. However, the DPP gradually has failed to defend the ROC’s sovereignty over the past five years. If the situation deteriorated, Taiwan could become another Hong Kong.

If President Tsai does not want to unify the nation, she should not tear Taiwan apart. If President Tsai just wants to serve the DPP interests, and fails to serve all the people in Taiwan. Then President Tsai is shameful for her oath. The KMT has reminded President Tsai many times, and the KMT will remind President Tsai without hesitation this time. The KMT persuaded President Tsai not to shift focus by tagging the KMT as a ‘pro-CCP’ political party while facing challenges of several plebiscites.

The KMT is a political party defending the Republic of China. In other words, the KMT defends the safety of Taiwan, Penghu, Kingman, and Mazhu, and maintains cross-Strait peace.

(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)

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