2021年4月15日 星期四

【中/ENG】國民黨:馬政府多安排外賓訪在野政黨,蔡政府做到了嗎? Tsai Administration did not arrange for any foreign guests to visit the opposition parties

           新 聞 稿         中國國民黨文化傳播委員會        110.4.15






Tsai Administration did not arrange for any foreign guests to visit the opposition parties


On April 15th, the Kuomintang (KMT) indicated that when Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) was in power, his administration would make an effort to arrange for foreign delegations to visit opposition parties and related think tanks. Ma believed that the different voices in Taiwan should be heard on the international stage through this arrangement. However, after Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) became president, she rarely allows foreign guests or organizations to visit opposition parties in Taiwan. Most of the time, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration would only arrange a meeting if the guests specifically requested to do so. Under this limitation, the international society couldn’t hear the diverse voices from Taiwan, and the Tsai Administration should reflect on this mistake.


In response to a meeting with the recent US delegation arranged by the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), the KMT pointed out that legislator Charles Yi-Hsin Chen (陳以信), who was invited to the meeting, emphasized that he had only received the invitation as an individual, not as a representative of the KMT, adding that he didn’t know beforehand that some influential American politicians would join the meeting. The KMT emphasized that the foreign visitors’ meeting with legislators is different from their contacts with Taiwan’s political parties, and the DPP’s explanation was intended to mislead the public on purpose.


The KMT pointed out that both the ruling party and the opposition parties should promote international relations together under the complex diplomatic situation. During the then-president Ma’s Administration, the government arranged as many opportunities as possible for main political parties to exchange views with foreign delegations. For example, they scheduled foreign guests to visit the DPP headquarters to understand their opinions. In contrast, the Tsai Administration always arranges for foreign delegation to visit the administrative agencies instead of the opposition parties. The KMT stressed that foreign delegations visiting the government make it difficult for international society to understand the diversity of Taiwanese opinions. 


The KMT believes that the DPP and the Tsai Administration should let other voices be heard to accentuate the value of democracy in Taiwan. As long as the DPP monopolizes governmental resources, Taiwan has lesser and limited opportunities to demonstrate our democratic values.


This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release.

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