2021年4月21日 星期三

【中/ENG】邱太三將外交困境卸責國民黨 昧於事實 Chiu Tai-san Mistakenly Blames KMT for Diplomatic Dilemma

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.4.21

邱太三將外交困境卸責國民黨 昧於事實







國民黨質疑邱太三顯然知道兩岸之間走不通,但又受到美國拜登(Joe Biden)政府要求兩岸進行建設性對話的壓力,所以除了向對岸進行毫無實質內容的喊話,還在台灣內部找替罪羔羊。


Chiu Tai-san Mistakenly Blames KMT for Diplomatic Dilemma

In an interview with local media outlets yesterday, Chairman Chiu Tai-san (邱太三) of the Mainland Affairs Council stated that the Chinese Communist Party(CCP)authorities recognized the "1992 Consensus" and declared to the world that Taiwan falls under its internal affairs. As a result, Chiu went on to say that Taiwan has been excluded from the international community. To participate in international organizations, Taiwan needs to obtain the CCP’s permission, since the Kuomintang (KMT) did not actively clarify that Taiwan does not fall under the internal affairs of the CCP authorities. The KMT stated that Chiu Tai-san has been in office for about two months, so he should have studied the origin of the "1992 Consensus" and asked President Tsai Ing-wen(蔡英文) how the DPP administration had been able to participated in the World Health Assembly (WHA) in May 2016.

The KMT reiterated that the "1992 Consensus" was a general statement on the consensus reached by both sides of the Taiwan Strait in 1992. The Lee Teng-hui(李登輝)and Ma Ying-jeou(馬英九) administrations attempted to seek common ground while shelving differences. This was the foundation of the cross-Strait dialogue in May 2008. The KMT government advocated that the "China" in "one China with different interpretations" was the Republic of China (ROC). There has never been a second interpretation.

The KMT pointed out that Chiu Tai-san appeared to deliberately ignore the fact that both sides of the Taiwan Strait once expressed their legal principles and political positions on which both sides agreed to cooperate, indicating that he was feigning a lack of understanding about the "creative ambiguity" of the "1992 Consensus."

Chiu Tai-san blamed the KMT for the nation’s current diplomatic difficulties. The KMT rebuked that Chiu Tai-san appeared ignorant of the facts and had denied the efforts of the Ma Ying-jeou administration. The KMT wants to ask President Tsai Ing-wen whether the number of countries seeking formal diplomatic relations with the ROC could be increased and then meaningfully participate in important international organizations during her presidency. The KMT wants to know if she should be able to firmly safeguard the Republic of China (ROC).

The KMT questioned that a solution to participating in international organizations could not be reached because the ruling DPP consistently ignored the key impact of cross-Strait relations on the ROC’s international space.

The KMT indicated that in the week following Tsai Ing-wen assumed office in May 2016, her administration received the WHO invitation, marking "in accordance with the one-China principle," and she dispatched then Minister of Health and Welfare Lin Zou-yan (林奏延) to attend the annual meeting. His speech at the assembly never mentioned "Taiwan." In fact, Taiwan's participation in the WHA was subject to CCP’s whims.

The KMT questioned whether Chiu Tai-san was aware that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait could not communicate in the way the DPP has expected and are otherwise pressured by the Biden administration to resume a constructive dialogue. In addition to making meaningless statements towards Mainland Chinese authorities, Chiu always blamed KMT without any concrete reasons.

The KMT warned the Tsai Ing-wen administration that when facing a cross-Strait dilemma, the blame cannot solely be placed on the KMT without a substantive reason. The KMT emphasized that discrediting the Kuomintang's basic propositions would not be of any substantial help in improving cross-Strait relations.

(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)
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