2021年4月22日 星期四

【中/ENG】謝長廷製造假消息 蔡英文還不撤職?警政署還不法辦? Frank Hsieh Spreads False News. Why Has Tsai Ing-wen Not Removed Him? Why Have the Police Not Brought Him to Justice?

           新 聞 稿         中國國民黨文化傳播委員會        110.4.22

謝長廷製造假消息  蔡英文還不撤職?警政署還不法辦?







Frank Hsieh Spreads False News. Why Has Tsai Ing-wen Not Removed Him? Why Have the Police Not Brought Him to Justice?

In response to Japan’s decision to discharge Fukushima nuclear plant’s radiation-contaminated water into the sea, Frank Chang-ting Hsieh(謝長廷), Taiwan’s representative to Japan, said that Taiwan’s nuclear power plants had also previously discharged untreated radiation-contaminated water into the sea. The Kuomintang (KMT) held a press conference on April 22, criticizing Hsieh for deliberately distributing fake news that confused the normal discharge of cooling water from Taiwan's nuclear power plants with the discharge of nuclear radiation-contaminated water sewage from Fukushima. Furthermore, his comparison has been corrected by the Atomic Energy Council, the Taiwan Power Company (Taipower), and scholars. Therefore, Hsieh is no longer qualified as a diplomat representing Taiwan. President Tsai Ing-wen(蔡英文) should seek a replacement immediately. In addition, the KMT has reported Hsieh’s spreading of ‘fake information’ to the National Police Agency. The KMT also calls on the Office of the President and the Executive Yuan to quickly deal with fake news like they had done in the past and requests that the National Police Agency refer Hsieh Chang-ting to the prosecutorial system for further investigation as soon as possible.

Regarding Frank Hsieh’s conflation of normal discharge of cooling water from nuclear power plants with Fukushima radiation-contaminated water, Taipower clarified that the cooling water discharged from the reactor is completely different from the boiler water that has made contact with the reaction chamber containing the nuclear fuel rods in Japan. A nuclear disaster occurred at the Fukushima Power Plant on March 11, 2011, and the reaction chamber melted and is still radioactive. The radioactive intensity of boiler water far exceeds that of Taiwan Power Company’s normal nuclear power plants. The Atomic Energy Council also emphasized that Taiwan’s nuclear power plants is discharged normally, which is "completely different" from the situation in Fukushima.

In addition, a few days ago, documents of unknown origin with an official title from the Office of the President circulated on the website stating that the government would bring in part of the radiation-contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant for treatment and drainage. The spokesperson of the Office of the President, Chang-Tun-han (張惇涵), immediately clarified that the documents were "out-and-out false information." President Tsai Ing-wen also condemned the false information.

The KMT emphasized that Frank Hsieh had deliberately created false news by comparing Taiwan’s nuclear power plants to Japanese nuclear power plants to downplay Japan’s decision to discharge radiation-contaminated water into the sea. His words and deeds were shameful. The KMT called on Hsieh to apologize and resign as soon as possible. The KMT also strongly urges the Office of the President and the Executive Yuan to quickly respond to the "false information" by removing Hsieh from office, and ensured that the justice will prevail.

(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)

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