2021年4月8日 星期四

【中/ENG】江主席出席國際民主聯盟論壇 簡述國共互動歷史與建議 Chairman Chiang attended the IDU virtual forum and introduced his opinion on coopetition between Nationalists and Communists.

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.4.8

江主席出席國際民主聯盟論壇 簡述國共互動歷史與建議

國民黨主席江啟臣受國際民主聯盟(International Democrat Union,IDU)的邀請,於8日晚間在該聯盟舉行的全球線上論壇上擔任主講人,向會員政黨領袖與代表及專家學者發表演說。





雖然台海兩岸過去長年在國際舞台上零和對抗,也有幾次軍事衝突,但從1990年代起,國共兩黨逐步發展出主要是「既競爭又合作」的互動模式。2008-2016年國民黨執政期間,兩岸互動步入制度化,雙方在「一中各表的九二共識」基礎之上舉行11次會談,簽署23 項協議,同時也替台灣爭取到更多國際空間,使台灣得以務實且有意義的參與一些重要國際組織的活動。







Chairman Chiang attended the IDU virtual forum and introduced his opinion on coopetition between Nationalists and Communists.

On April 8th, Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Johnny Chiang (江啟臣) was invited as a keynote speaker in the virtual forum of the International Democrat Union (IDU), where he delivered his speech to many political leaders and experts around the world.

Last April, the IDU invited Chairman Chiang to a panel discussion on COVID-19. This year, he participated as a conference keynote speaker, sharing his viewpoints and advice on responding to the increased influence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the world. The invitation from the IDU demonstrated the Union’s interest in and expectation toward the KMT under Chiang’s leadership.

The International Democrat Union, established in 1983, is an international political organization for conservative parties in the world. Members of the IDU include the Republican Party of the United States and the British Conservative Party. The KMT joined the IDU in 1992. This year, the virtual forum is hosted by Stephen Harper, a former Canadian premier and a former leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.

The following are the essential points from Chairman Chiang’s speech:

Looking back through the history of the relationship between the KMT and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), there were conflict, competition, and cooperation. Therefore, the KMT has the most experience in the world in engaging the CCP.

Now the CCP is using both competition and cooperation to deal with relations with Taiwan. When the KMT was in power from 2008 to 2016, Taiwan and Mainland China were able to conduct 11 talks and sign 23 agreements and MOUs to secure more international participation for Taiwan pragmatically. This was derived from applying the “1992 Consensus,” which refers to the “one China with respective interpretations” formula accepted pragmatically by the two parties running their respective governments at that time.

Meanwhile, to cope with the CCP’s charm offensive, the KMT Government tried very hard to ensure that Taiwan could compete with the Beijing authorities through the triangular strengths of national defense, diplomacy, and cross-Strait institutionalized relations.

Apart from competitions in areas such as talents, economic and high-tech development, the elements of cross-Strait relations are competing for political-economic systems and ways of life. Taiwan began its democratic reforms in the mid-1980s. Taiwan’s democracy is not perfect, but it has still been praised worldwide as a beacon of democracy among Chinese communities. Taiwan can serve as an essential model and play a leading role in Mainland China’s political reforms, and this is the KMT’s genuine belief.

Meanwhile, the KMT has demonstrated a persistent rejection of communism. History shows that the KMT doesn’t fear military conflicts but refrains from igniting wars. Also, the KMT pushes forward cross-Strait prosperity and peace but doesn’t surrender for the sake of peace. The people of Taiwan must firmly join hands under the ROC Constitution so that Taiwan will not lack psychological awareness of the challenges of the CCP and will not be influenced by the CCP’s propaganda, infiltration tactics, and united front strategy.

By contrast, the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), founded in 1986 and having been in power twice already, lacks experiences interacting with the CCP and is unable to establish mutual trust, leading the two sides to an adversarial deadlock which could give rise to a possible military confrontation. The People’s Liberation Army has frequently conducted naval and air training exercises close to Taiwan’s adjacent waters, making the Taiwan Strait one of the flashpoints for a potential military confrontation in many observers' eyes among high-ranking US officers.

The “co-existence of competition and cooperation” is the only feasible mode of interaction for contemporary cross-Strait relations. The government in Taiwan must achieve peace through strength, not allowing the CCP to become so optimistic militarily that it would consider waging war.

The KMT, founded in 1894, established the Republic of China (ROC) in 1912. The ROC is the first and only Chinese democracy in history. The KMT hopes to make more contributions to democracy, security, and prosperity around the world.

(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)

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