2021年4月14日 星期三

【中/ENG】江主席:反對福島核災廢水排入 Chairman Chiang opposes Japan releasing Fukushima wastewater into the ocean

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.04.14








Chairman Chiang opposes Japan releasing Fukushima wastewater into the ocean

Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Johnny Chiang (江啟臣) expressed his thoughts on April 14th during the KMT Central Standing Committee. In the regular meeting, Chiang mentioned that he strongly opposed the Japanese government’s plan to release wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean. He also asked the ruling party, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), to show their resolve and lodge a protest with the Japanese government. 

The DPP administration confirmed that it would not approve any of the referendum proposals raised by the KMT or other non-governmental organizations through the Executive Yuan and Congress. In response, Chairman Chiang indicated that the government only commenced positive communications after the referendum proposals almost reached the threshold for approval. Moreover, he believed that the DPP's reactions prove the legitimacy of the referendum proposals and the lack of representation of public opinion under the majority government. Before the referendum on August 28th, the DPP solution will decide whether this referendum will become a model of civil rights or just an extension of political rivalry. The KMT once again issued an appeal to the current government that they should dispose of the current aggressive strategy and show their humbleness as a ruling party. Give the decision on national issues to the people and respect the results of the referendum. 

Chairman Chiang pointed out that the KMT is paying attention to the Japanese decision to release wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear disaster into the ocean. This action might damage the neighboring marine ecology. Many Japanese fishery bodies are opposing the policy. Moreover, neighboring countries such as South Korea and China are criticizing the decision. However, our foreign administration only expresses concerns instead of outrage. The DPP has long considered an anti-nuclear policy as their core value; however, their weak response to Japan’s plans shows their double standard. The passive attitude will also sacrifice the rights of our fishermen. 

In addition, the ongoing drought has hindered industrial development and caused hardships for the people. Chiang mentioned that the New York Times even had an article explaining how the severe the drought has influenced Taiwan's semiconductor and agricultural industries. People living in the central part of Taiwan are now facing a shortage of water. Many people are worried that the crisis might continue to influence our semiconductor industry, causing a reduction in output. He questioned the DPP's absurdity as the party perceives the semiconductor industry as the pillar of our nation but is incapable of dealing with the industrial crisis. 

The KMT suggests that the government should review the water-saving policy's results, including an assessment of seawater desalination options and the function of drought countermeasure wells. The government should see the groundwater pouring out from construction sites as supplementary water to reduce the waste of resources and help people and industries overcome the difficulties. In the long term, the Executive Yuan should establish an ad hoc group in response to extreme climate change and fulfill the ‘‘Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change in Taiwan’’ proposed by the KMT. The current Tsai Administration should implement an adaptive strategy in eight fields, i.e., natural disaster, infrastructure, water resources, land usage, coastline, energy supplement, industrial and agricultural production, and biodiversity. 

(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)

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