2021年5月14日 星期五

【中/ENG】民調檢視蔡施政週年!維護國人健康不及格 Latest Poll Shows Tsai’s Failure in Safeguarding Public Health

           新 聞 稿         中國國民黨文化傳播委員會        110.5.14











Latest Poll Shows Tsai’s Failure in Safeguarding Public Health

President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) is approaching the first anniversary of her re-election. The Kuomintang (KMT) will launch a series of press conferences to examine Tsai’s anniversary based on public opinion polls with the latest public opinions to review Tsai Ing-wen’s performance. According to the results of public opinion polls regarding the importation of US pork containing ractopamine residue, the national army’s consumption of such imported pork, and the acquisition of Covid-19 vaccines, the public is generally dissatisfied with the performance of the Tsai government, highlighting that President Tsai’s governance measures in safeguarding the public health have completely failed.

According to the latest survey conducted by the TVBS polling center commissioned by the Kuomintang, nearly 70% (69.6%) of the people disapprove of the government's liberalization of pork imports containing ractopamine while 46.6% "strongly disagree", which proves that the people of Taiwan are very dissatisfied with the Tsai government, as the administration disregards the people's health by insisting on importing ractopamine-pork that endangers food safety. In further analysis, among Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) supporters, nearly 45 percent (44.7%) oppose the importation of “ractopamine-pork”, and nearly 70 percent (68.5%) of people without party orientation oppose the imports as well. According to the DPP’s internal poll results reported by the media, 62.8% of those surveyed said that they could not accept the import of ractopamine-pork. Obviously, President Tsai’s policy of opening up ractopamine-pork imports is an incorrect policy, which is the consensus of the people in Taiwan regardless of party affiliation.

Even if the Tsai government announced that it would enforce "clear labeling and strict inspections," the recently released news that the armed forces used imported pork for non-staple food has hit the Tsai government heavily. The KMT stated that the Ministry of National Defense had originally insisted on giving priority to the use of domestic pork, but imported pork was found to be used in processed food by the military. The use of imported pork in food not only increases the risk of food safety in the army, but more importantly, the credibility of the administrative department is completely undermined. It can be seen from the latest polls that up to 71.8% of the people are worried about not being able to distinguish processed products made from imported pork; after cross-analysis, more than 50% of DPP supporters also said they were concerned (50.4%), and nearly 70% (69.6%) of independent voters said that they were worried. According to the KMT, the main problem is that the government’s “clear labeling” declaration has not gained the trust of the people, and the government’s “strict inspections” do not reassure the people either. If even the Ministry of National Defense can break its promise of “prioritizing the use of domestic pork”, how can people trust the announcements and guarantees from the Tsai government?

For the three upcoming referendums, the Kuomintang also published a poll result showing that on the referendum day slated on August 28 this year, more than 60% (61.4%) of the people will cast votes. Among them, nearly 40% (39.4%) will ‘‘absolutely’’ vote, and only 22.7% will not vote. The Kuomintang stated that this proves that the people have demonstrated a high degree of self-determination. Faced with the successive wrong decisions made by the Tsai administration, people have decided to use their votes to express their will to protect their health and rights as well as the environment.

Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has started to spread domestically, with many local confirmed cases of unknown sources of infection continuing to erupt. Taiwan has entered the stage of community infection, which also exposed the problem of low vaccine coverage in the country. According to the results of the latest polls, more than 50% (54.1%) of the people express no confidence that the government can obtain enough new Covid-19 vaccines for people across the country. Compared with the TVBS poll conducted in mid-March, the percentage of people who are not confident has jumped from 39% to 54.1%. Now that there is a community infection problem in Taiwan, the people have higher expectations for sufficient vaccines.

The KMT stated that in the early stage of the Covid-19 pandemic, Taiwan relied on successful border prevention, spontaneous wearing of masks, and frequent hand washing to prevent the spread of the virus. However, as the Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread, the government did not implement the use of rapid screening and seek the procurement of vaccines, leading to another outbreak of the pandemic crisis in Taiwan. The KMT emphasized that countries such as Israel, the United States, and the United Kingdom, which have the world’s leading vaccination rates, are slowly recovering from serious pandemic conditions, and are striving to completely open their borders this summer so that the people can return to their normal lives. On the other hand, in Taiwan, only 300,000 doses of vaccines have arrived so far, and the future purchase of vaccines is nowhere in sight.

The Kuomintang questions the credibility of President Tsai’s declaration that "vaccines will be in place one after another." However, the specific schedule is very vague, the source of procurement is not diverse, and the progress of domestic research and development is slow. Obviously, Tsai's confident announcement can hardly be believed by the majority of the public. If the head of state cannot give the people a credible response, how can people be confident that they will be able to obtain sufficient vaccines with a variety of options in the future?

In summary, the Kuomintang pointed out that the government's performance in the past year seems like a novice in power. The government has arbitrarily allowed the importation of ractopamine-pork regardless of public opinion, and the labeling of origin is not well managed. The measures taken in Covid-19 pandemic control are limited, with the government unwilling to generalize screening. Moreover, the purchase of vaccines has been extremely inefficient. The Kuomintang emphasized that issues such as the opening up of ractopamine-pork and the control of the pandemic are basic policies related to the health of the people. If a government cannot defend and protect public health and safety, this government should step aside based on public opinion.

(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)

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