2021年5月31日 星期一

【中/ENG】江主席為人民請命 提出防疫三訴求、祈願五行動 Chairman Chiang Pleads for the Sake of the People. Raises Three Pandemic Prevention Requests and Prayer for Five Actions

             新 聞 稿      中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.05.31

江主席為人民請命  提出防疫三訴求、祈願五行動


  江主席上午與副秘書長李彥秀、文傳會主委王育敏在中央黨部召開記者會,會中與全台22縣市議會黨團代表視訊連線,共同疾呼「台灣需要疫苗」。並與大家一起秀出英文「V」字手勢,象徵疫苗(Vaccines)-->施打(Vaccination),以及抗疫勝利(Victory) ,號召全民參與「V手勢運動」(V-sign Movement),並高呼口號「不要刁難、給我疫苗、我要打疫苗」!向國際社會與蔡政府發出最強烈的呼聲!


一、對國際:Taiwan Needs Vaccines









  請全民換上「台灣需要疫苗 (Taiwan Needs Vaccines)」臉書頭貼,廣邀朋友參與,讓全世界以及我們的政府,看見人民最迫切的需求。



  此外,國民黨並設計「台灣需要疫苗Taiwan Needs Vaccines」貼紙圖檔,防疫期間,歡迎所有的民眾下載列印,大家可以將圖檔貼在門口、陽台、窗戶、擋風玻璃上,向政府表達心聲。














Chairman Chiang Pleads for the Sake of the People

Raises Three Pandemic Prevention Requests and Prayer for Five Actions

Confronted with the grim epidemic situation and vaccine acquisition predicament, Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Johnny Chiang (江啟臣), along with all of the party caucuses across Taiwan’s 22 county and city councils, convened a video press conference this morning (May 31st). Together, they put forward the “Three Pandemic Prevention Requests,” calling upon the international community to help Taiwan acquire internationally certified vaccines and requesting the government take action to save the lives of the people! They also appealed to the entire population to “Weather the Storm Together, Fight the Pandemic Together!” by means of posting the “Taiwan Needs Vaccines” Facebook profile picture, hanging yellow ribbons, and other shows of support. This way, the people can express their true feelings to all parties.

Chairman Chiang, Deputy Secretary-General Lee Yen-hsiu (李彥秀), and Culture & Communications Committee Director-General Alicia Wang (王育敏) convened a press conference today at the KMT party central. During this conference, they connected via video with all of the party caucuses across Taiwan’s 22 county and city councils. Together, they stated urgently that “Taiwan needs vaccines.” Everyone also flashed the English letter “V” hand sign, symbolizing “Vaccines, Vaccination, Victory over the Pandemic.” They called upon everyone to participate in the “V-Sign Movement” and shout the slogan “Don’t Make Things Worse, Give Us Vaccines, We Need Vaccinations!” loudly, giving the international community and the Tsai Ing-wen administration a roar.

The KMT raised the three following pandemic prevention requests:

1) To the International Community: Taiwan Needs Vaccines

Taiwan is an important member of the international community, and is also an important member of the global supply chain. We appeal to the international community: Taiwan urgently needs internationally certified vaccines. “Help Taiwan, Save the World!”

2) To the Government: The Lives of the People Can’t Wait

Our haven against the COVID pandemic collapsed within half a month! The current local pandemic has caused the deaths of 97 compatriots and almost 6,438 local infections; a national crisis is imminent. The damage to our people has already surpassed that of SARS! The KMT sternly warns the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government to relinquish its arrogance and take action. The lives of the people can’t wait!

3) To the People: Weather the Storm Together, Fight the Pandemic Together

We will get through difficult times of crisis together; we will weather grim pounding of the storm together. We beseech the Taiwanese people to stay calm, carry on, and fight the pandemic together. Protect yourselves and take care of your families. We have faith that the break of dawn is at hand.

In order to implement the above three requests, the KMT also launched the “Pandemic Prevention Requests, Prayer for Five Actions” movement on our official Facebook page and Chairman Johnny Chiang’s Facebook page. We look forward to the people participating with us to show the entire population’s willpower and true feelings.

The five actions are:

1) Change Your Facebook Profile Picture

We ask everyone to change their profile picture to the “Taiwan Needs Vaccines” picture. Invite all of your friends to participate and let the entire world, in addition to our government, see the people’s most pressing need.

2) Hang a Yellow Ribbon or Sticker: Plead with the Government

We ask everyone to hang a yellow ribbon (or strip of cloth) in a conspicuous place on their balconies or windows and thus plead with the government. The health of the people is fading rapidly; Taiwan needs “Adequate, Safe, Effective, and Internationally Certified” vaccines.

Furthermore, the KMT has designed a “Taiwan Needs Vaccines” sticker template. During this period of pandemic prevention, we welcome everyone to download the template and print it out. You can post the sticker on your door, balcony, or windshield, letting the government know your true feelings.

3) Upload Your True Feelings: Hopes and Blessings Inevitably Become Tomorrow’s Glorious Memories

We ask everyone to write down on a piece of paper your most heartfelt hope or blessing. Then, take a selfie with it and upload it to our Facebook comment section. This will let us all boost each other’s’ morale and support each other. Our victory over this pandemic will inevitably become a glorious memory.

4) Participate and Invite: We call upon everyone to click participate and invite your friends to let the requests and blessings go viral. We cordially look forward to your participation and your sharing with your friends. This way, by means of the internet, our voices will be heard by the whole world, and the whole world will see our true feelings.

5) KMT Action Platform: Standing Where the People Need Us the Most

Because of the pandemic, we must maintain social distancing, but our hearts remain closely connected. KMT Legislators, in overseeing the government, are ready to act; county and city officials, in their local areas, direct and dispatch. Numerous elected officials in deliberative councils are on the ground, raising funds and collecting supplies, silently helping the organization and individuals that most need assistance. If you or your organization has any sort of need, you are welcome to get in touch with the local office of any elected official of KMT affiliation.

Chairman Chiang then directed five questions to President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文):

1) Taiwan already has over six thousand confirmed cases; where is the vaccine policy? When will 70% of Taiwanese people be vaccinated, achieving the goal of herd immunity?

2) There aren’t enough vaccines! The people’s livelihoods are at stake! President Tsai, when will the streets no longer resemble ghost towns? What are your concrete strategies to control and prevent a recurrence of the pandemic? What are your concrete strategies to restore a minimum of normalcy to the people’s lives, work, and schooling?

3) Taiwan lives or ideology; President Tsai, which one is closer to your heart?

Companies are willing to donate, religious groups are willing to donate, local governments are willing to procure vaccines, and international friends are willing to help: why is the government still looking for excuses to refuse vaccines and finding thousands of reasons to impede multiple channels for vaccine acquisition? President Tsai, is your heart so empty that nothing but ideology and thoughts of reputation remain?

4) Arrogant, complacent, and faulty policy has brought about the current national crisis. President Tsai, can the government promise “Free Vaccinations for Everyone” or not?

5) The health of the entire population or pharmaceutical profits; President Tsai, which side do you stand on? We don’t oppose domestic vaccines, but will the people feel comfortable taking a vaccine, any vaccine, that doesn’t have the most basic requirement of international certification? Imported vaccines must also comply with COVEX standards; anyone who procures vaccines demands compliance with this standard before import.

Chairman Chiang emphasized that President Tsai Ing-wen must not “Refuse the People What They Need and Force on Them What They Don’t!” Right now, Taiwan’s life hangs by a thread, and we must recognize that we are all in the same boat. In the face of this virus, we have no right to be pessimistic. We can do it! Taiwan can do it!

(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)

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