2021年5月5日 星期三

【中/ENG】民進黨「黑」影幢幢,蔡總統還要縱容包庇?President Tsai Still Wants to Tolerate Gangsters within DPP?

           新 聞 稿         中國國民黨文化傳播委員會         110.5.5



國民黨指出,根據「臺灣高等法院 97 年聲再字第 346 號刑事裁定書」中提到,「…但因被害人葉永堂邀同具『黑道背景之黃承國』介入,…」。另,「臺灣臺北地方法院 90 年訴字第 745 號刑事判決」也提到,「…但告訴人表示所有事情均由『天道盟的黃承國』處理,…」。足證黃承國過去與黑道之關係密切,並非無據。



President Tsai Still Wants to Tolerate Gangsters within DPP?

During a press conference on May 5, the KMT dismissed National Policy Advisor to the President Huang Cheng-guo (黃承國) self-confession that he was not a gang member whatsoever, saying that all evidence indicated that Huang was in fact at the spiritual leader of the Wan-shan branch of the Tien Tao Meng (天道盟) gang, or dubbed “Heavenly Way Alliance”. . Huang’s gang identity was also certified in court documents. The KMT questioned, why did President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) insist on tapping him as a National Policy Advisor in spite of his background? Shouldn’t President Tsai explain to the public and offer apologies on the matter?

The KMT added, in 2016, Typhoon Nepartak swept the Taitung area, causing severe damage. President Tsai arrived in Taitung to inspect damages but left for Taipei in a rush so that she could attend the birthday party for Huang’s father in time Later, President Tsai was filmed eating cake and merrily clapping hands with attendees during the celebration. The KMT stated that all indicate the fact that President Tsai disregards Huang’s background and thinks highly of him.

The KMT pointed out that many DPP members are allegedly involved in gang activities. Legislator Wang Mei-hui (王美惠) of Chiayi County is said to have reportedly recruited young gangsters into the DPP. A similar situation occurred in DPP’s Taipei Chapters. However, President Tsai, who doubles as DPP Chairwoman, chooses to look the other way. The problems of DPP members implicating in organized crimes has cause great misgivings among the public. The KMT urges President Tsai to look squarely at the problems, saying that the President should come forward to declare war on gangsters instead of hiding herself.

(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)

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