2021年5月24日 星期一

【中/ENG】網上充斥攻擊在野黨假訊息,衛福部不打假?Why Does Gov’t Blink at Disinformation Attacking Opposition Parties?

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.5.24





Why Does Gov’t Blink at Disinformation Attacking Opposition Parties

In response to the online spread of reports that the KMT was frantically promoting imports of the Shanghai Fosun Pharma’s BioNtech vaccine and falsely accusing the KMT of wanting the people of Taiwan to use expiring inferior drugs, the KMT sternly condemned these smears containing outright falsehoods. Since the government has announced that it will strictly investigate the false information, the KMT asks the Ministry of Health and Welfare to investigate the sources of this false information and according to various special regulations, people who deliberately spread false information should be referred to the justice system. The KMT pointed out that the local epidemic has spread, and Taiwan’s severe shortage of vaccines has led to a breach in epidemic prevention. The KMT suggested that the government should acquire more vaccines as soon as possible to fight the virus. Unexpectedly, there are still some people trying to slander the opposition party with false accusations and impede the epidemic prevention efforts. 

Previously, DPP legislator Wang Ting-yu (王定宇) had also used the same remarks to smear the KMT. All such claims regarded the Ministry of Health and Welfare less than nothing. The KMT questioned that vaccine imports need to be processed through rigorous procedures by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. If the vaccines are indeed of poor quality or have expired, will the DPP government still agree to purchase and use them? Through spreading disinformation on the Internet about the KMT “promoting inferior vaccines”, does that signify that DPP legislators have no faith in the Tsai government’s control? The KMT also pointed out that KMT Secretary-General Lee Chien-lung (李乾龍) donated 3,000 rapid test kits, 2,000 protective articles of clothing, and 10,000 protective face covers and other essential goods to the New Taipei City government. When generous people are helping and donating goods to where it’s needed the most, instead of helping, these people will only be smeared by those who continue to impede the progress of others. Are they not ashamed?

The KMT pointed out that vaccines are currently the most critical anti-pandemic weapon in the country. It is absolutely the unshirkable responsibility of the central government to provide people with sufficient vaccine doses. Even adding the second batch of AZ vaccines that have arrived recently to the total, Taiwan has only obtained about 710,000 doses of vaccine so far. However, the government needs to allow at least 60% of the population to receive two full doses of a vaccine, that is, at least 28.2 million doses, in order to produce herd immunity. The KMT emphasized that the procurement of vaccines is the statutory responsibility of the central government. Regardless of any comments on vaccines, the Tsai government is obliged to protect the people of the country and obtain safe and a sufficient number of vaccine doses as soon as possible. In response to outside inquiries about how to obtain vaccines, the KMT also called on the government to open multiple channels. The government should not remain passive or continue to shirk its responsibilities, allowing Internet rumors to shift the responsibility for obtaining vaccines to local governments or opposition parties. The KMT calls on the Tsai government to take responsibility as the ruling party and help our countrymen receive the vaccine as soon as possible.

(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)
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