2021年5月19日 星期三

【中/ENG】江主席:「缺水、缺電、缺疫苗」成民進黨施政最鮮明的印象 The Shortages of Water, Electricity, and Vaccines Have Come to Define the Tsai Administration

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.05.19










The Shortages of Water, Electricity, and Vaccines Have Come to Define the Tsai Administration 


Tomorrow marks the 5th anniversary of the Tsai Ing-wen administration. “The shortages of water, electricity, and vaccines have increasingly come to define the DPP administration,” said Chairman Chiang at Kuomintang (KMT) Central Standing Committee’s online meeting. “The administration’s bungling of crisis management has revealed the government’s lack of risk awareness- and its incompetence for that matter,” continued Mr. Chiang.

On the eve of 520, the KMT once again calls upon President Tsai to enact a robust, steady national development policy to replace its current big-spending economic plans and aggressive domestic propaganda. Further, the administration must adopt rational decision-making, jettisoning excessive resort to public emotions. DPP’s shambles and fumbles, however, won’t necessarily win the KMT popular support. Au contraire. They provide a moment of reflection for our party. Ergo, instead of gloating, Mr. Chiang urges the party to work even more strenuously to present itself to the public as a reasonable governing alternative.

Chairman Chiang pointed out that over the past week, Taiwan has confronted triple challenges- the sudden rise of Covid-19 infections, two large-scale power blackouts, and the increasingly severe issue of water shortage. All of which has stricken a dagger in our citizens’ regular life. Still, the KMT calls upon our citizens to observe epidemic prevention measures, reduce unnecessary mobile contact, and work in concert to lop off the virus’ transmission chain. Meantime, the central and local governments must proactively develop effective complementary measures, anchored in human needs. Also, the powers that be must see to it that newly adopted measures don’t bring significant inconvenience to people’s life. To set the example, the KMT has prioritized epidemic prevention, splitting work operations while continuing to move forward with party affairs.

With Covid-19 rapidly spreading, the public is rightly concerned about whether our medical system can hold up and whether the government can provide adequate backup for frontline healthcare workers. Yesterday, we were heartened and grateful to see primary medical workers stepping forward to help with local virus screening efforts. 

To curb the virus, the KMT medical committee has ladled out four demands: ensuring the availability of medical supplies, ensuring medical staff’s health, expanding community screening, and setting up triage protocols for mild and severe diseases. Today's positive diagnosis of a teaching hospital worker reminds us of an urgent need for a specialist hospital. The KMT hopes the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) will adopt our suggestions and work in tandem with the public to sink Covid-19.

Chairman Chiang stressed the fierce pounce of Covid-19 reflects one perennial truth for virus control: No virus containment is impenetrable and that the vaccine is the ultimate antidote. As leading Western countries are breaking free from the yoke of Covid-19 and hailing a return of normalcy, Taiwan is instead mired in a Covid cul-de-sac precipitated by a dire lack of vaccines. This grim situation underlines remarkable deficiencies of our current vaccine policy. 

Chairman Chiang pointed out the CECC has yet to account for what has disrupted our vaccine procurement. Last year, Taiwan had the opportunity to procure sufficient amounts of Germany’s BNT vaccines through private companies. But why did we let this opportunity slip? Loath as we are at this juncture to pillory the CECC, we nonetheless hope that moving forward, it can learn its lessons and strive to procure safe, effective, and adequate amounts of vaccine that meet international standards. Meanwhile, it should take necessary steps to increase vaccination rates among our public. Besides, the KMT hopes the administration can embrace goodwill support from all sides and stop interpreting it as malicious political manipulation.

“Two consecutive power cuts and district power supply in a week inflicted inconvenience and pain on citizens hunkered down at home to ward off the virus,” commented Chairman Chiang. It is disappointing that the Tsai administration has failed to put forth any solution other than continued deception and cheap apologies. After the 08/15 Blackout in 2017, President Tsai had once vowed to strengthen our power grid. And last August, the Economics Ministry claimed Taiwan would not face a power shortage by 2030. In retrospect, alas, those were but empty words. The administration must acknowledge that the current power supply is woefully inadequate, and that green energy still lacks stability. Instead, an energy policy pegged to risk awareness can preclude the recurrent power rationing crisis.

Finally, water shortage remains unresolved, with the percentage of water held in reservoirs in the central and southern regions reduced to single digits. With droughts likely to become more frequent in the years to come, has water resources planning been revised to fit our needs? Has the water supply system’s design been improved? Water shortage is another grave challenge to which we must assign high weights.

(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)
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