2021年5月27日 星期四

【中/ENG】BNT輝瑞疫苗均在德國製造 民進黨造謠者該道歉了 BNT Pfizer Vaccines All Manufactured in Germany, DPP Rumor-Creators Should Apologize

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.5.27

BNT輝瑞疫苗均在德國製造 民進黨造謠者該道歉了




BNT Pfizer Vaccines All Manufactured in Germany, DPP Rumor-Creators Should Apologize


The spokesperson of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) pointed out that there is a "code of teaching and warfare" within the Kuomintang (KMT) to make Mainland China-made vaccines seem reliable and safe. The Kuomintang stated that the Tsai government and many DPP members have been falsely claiming the BNT vaccine was produced in Mainland China. At the Executive Yuan’s press conference at noon today (May 27), the spokesperson of the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) denied the DPP’s claims and clearly stated that the BNT Pfizer vaccine is produced in Germany. In addition to this, although Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. is an agent selling the BNT vaccine, all the vaccines are produced in Germany. There are no vaccines produced in Mainland China, which means the DPP continues to spread false information. Shouldn’t the DPP apologize to the public?

The KMT emphasized that public opinion gathering is undertaken to get an understanding of public opinion, not a “code of teaching and warfare”. As an opposition party, the KMT can truly reflect on the aspirations of the people and continue to speak out for them. The KMT will continue to collect public opinion and grasp the latest public opinion as a reference for various issues. Today, Chuang Jen-hsiang's (莊人祥) statement also clarifies that the so-called "Mainland vaccine" is entirely the DPP’s fabrication.

The KMT also called on the DPP to stop deliberately shifting its focus and ignoring the needs and expectations of the public. The lack of vaccines in our country and the passive fight for vaccines by the central government are undeniable facts. As the ruling party, the DPP has unforgivably used the pandemic for political purposes repeatedly. The KMT believes that the people are not ignorant and could easily see that the problem in obtaining vaccines lies in the ruling party’s slogan-style vaccine procurement. In fact, what the people need is to get vaccinated as soon as possible. Therefore, the DPP needs to put aside all political considerations and devote its entire attention on how to obtain a safe, effective, and sufficient quantity of vaccines as soon as possible.

(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)
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