2021年6月19日 星期六

【中/ENG】國民黨挺醫護腳步不停歇 江主席台中致送醫療物資助防疫 KMT Stands with Indefatigable Medical Personnel. Chairman Chiang Donates Taichung Medical Supplies to Fight COVID

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.06.19

國民黨挺醫護腳步不停歇 江主席台中致送醫療物資助防疫







江主席強調,目前台灣獲得的疫苗「捐的比買的還多」,蔡總統「不覺得羞恥嗎」?紓困預算從二千一百億加到八千四百億,可以買多少疫苗?若政府去年有超前部署,沒有民進黨內派系紛擾,會搞到今天還要請郭董、台積電出面買疫苗嗎?此外,民間要買疫苗,中央政府先前一再阻擋,昨天還說一路綠燈,「我們看到卻是一路紅燈,你是色盲嗎」?政府若有開大門,善意對待民間力量,相信台灣還是防疫模範,不會像現在,上半場還是「Taiwan Can Help」,下半場成「Taiwan Needs Help」,請蔡政府救救百姓,盡快買到疫苗才是重點。


KMT Stands with Indefatigable Medical Personnel

Chairman Chiang Donates Taichung Medical Supplies to Fight COVID

The Kuomintang (KMT) stands with our indefatigable medical personnel! This (June 19th) morning, KMT Chairman Johnny Chiang arrived in Taichung City to donate medical supplies to the Greater Taichung Medical Clinics Association and the Taichung Medical Clinics Association in order to help fight the COVID pandemic. He also expressed his gratitude for the work the frontline disease prevention staff are putting in. He stated that the KMT will unequivocally support the medical personnel fighting the pandemic. Although the amount of FFP2 masks and face shields donated to the two medical associations that morning was not a lot, if necessary in the future, the KMT will unequivocally continue to work hard to help out. Only by uniting to fight the pandemic can everyone quickly overcome it.

Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen recently declared that all Taichung City neighborhood chiefs would be vaccinated at public expense, drawing criticism from the central government. Chairman Chiang responded to this when accepting questions from the media, stating that this phenomenon of rushing to be first in line is due entirely to insufficient vaccines. Although the command center had produced a list with a different order of vaccine priority, the conditions of each area are different; county or city mayors are also local pandemic prevention commanders. They should have pragmatic considerations within their remit; they can focus on local pandemic prevention requirements and considerations.

Chairman Chiang further explained that neighborhood chiefs also need to deliver pandemic prevention notices and do other related work. This is tantamount to serving on the front lines of pandemic prevention; they are exposed to a considerable degree of risk. The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) should allow local pandemic prevention commanders make judgements according to pragmatic considerations. The most important thing under this situation of limited vaccines is to protect these people who provide assist in the work of pandemic prevention. We should be uniting as one right now in order to fight the pandemic instead of the CECC producing documents to oppose local actions; this is not the role of the CECC.

When asked about the government’s pandemic prevention and financial relief efforts, Chairman Chiang opened fire, severely criticizing all pandemic prevention work from last year up until now. Mid-May’s outbreak of pandemic caused the people to see the government’s negligence in pandemic prevention work. This negligence was so bad that the international media published criticism as well, pointing out that the government did not have any so called proactive deployment at all. This deficiency included a lack of vaccines, pharmaceuticals, pandemic prevention resources, and others. The people did not feel any sort of proactive deployment.

Worse, the government’s attitude seems arrogant and smug; it’s afraid to “oppose Chen Shih-chung,” leading to many missed opportunities during the course of pandemic prevention. The financial relief aspect has been even worse; the Legislative Yuan passed the financial relief 4.0 budget, but during the process of voting, the “Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) truly showed that it fails to progress,” instead opting to “completely resist the will of the people.” The KMT requests for investigation of 3+11’s actual facts, general issuance of cash, and increase of vaccine procurement quantity were all vetoed by the DPP. Does the DPP sincerely want to contain this pandemic?

Chairman Chiang mournfully pointed out that the 518 Taiwanese lives lost from COVID19 are not mere statistics. The most disgraceful thing the government has done is “seeing lives as statistics and playing politics with the pandemic.” The people consequently take this burden up with their lives. If President Tsai still cares about the lives of the people, she should abandon ideology and political calculation, and procure vaccines as soon as possible!

Chairman Chiang emphasized that the vaccines that Taiwan has acquired thus far were “mostly donated, not purchased.” Does President “not feel ashamed?” The financial relief budget increased from 210 billion NTD to 840 billion NTD; how much vaccine would this have bought? If the government had proactively deployed resources last year, if the DPP hadn’t engaged in internal faction struggles, would the situation have disintegrated so badly that Foxconn founder Terry Gou and TSMC came forward to purchase vaccines? Furthermore, when private groups wanted to purchase vaccines, the central government repeatedly blocked them. The central government even went as far yesterday as to say they gave the green light the entire time. “What we actually saw the entire time were red lights; is the government colorblind?” Chairman Chiang added that if the government had opened the door to private vaccine procurement and treated the strength of private groups with benevolence, Taiwan would still be a paragon of pandemic prevention and wouldn’t be the way it is now. In the first half, it was still “Taiwan Can Help;” now, in the second half, it has become “Taiwan Needs Help.” We ask the Tsai administration to save the people; successfully purchasing vaccines as quickly as possible is the only important point.

Finally, regarding the controversy over an excessive amount of people applying for COVID relief loans from the Ministry of Labor, Chairman Chiang stated that the Executive Yuan simply reproduced and stuck with last year’s financial relief plan, but this wave of level three pandemic is entirely different from last year. Restaurants cannot provide dine-in service and schools have stopped holding classes. These circumstances, which did not occur at all last year, have impacted all walks of lives greatly. The KMT therefore immediately advocated for general issuance of cash, but the central government rejected this plan. Over 50% of the people believe the current financial relief to be ineffective. The US, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and other countries all experienced similar pandemic situations as the one Taiwan is currently experiencing; some of these countries doled out more than one round of cash. The people need life-saving cash immediately; if the DPP’s mentality remains incapable of understanding humility and remains only capable of opposition, then the DPP should go back to being an opposition party!

(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)
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