2021年6月3日 星期四

【中/ENG】換位置換腦袋?蔡英文陳時中疫苗立場自打臉!Where President Tsai Stands Indeed Depends on Where She Sits. President Tsai and Health Minister Chen’s Stance on Vaccines Is Erratic at Best, Deceitful at Worst

            新 聞 稿            中國國民黨文化傳播委員會           110.6.3


















Where President Tsai Stands Indeed Depends on Where She Sits. President Tsai and Health Minister Chen’s Stance on Vaccines Is Erratic at Best, Deceitful at Worst


“Where President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) stands indeed depends on where she sits. President Tsai and Health Minister Chen’s stance on vaccines is erratic at best, deceitful at worst,” titled the press conference the Kuomintang (KMT) Cultural Communication Committee held today. (June 3) During the press conference, the KMT raises questions about the inconsistencies of Ms. Tsai and Mr. Chen’s stance on vaccine policy. With the standards for vaccine erratically shifting, how are Taiwan’s citizens supposed to trust the Tsai administration’s ability to provide safe, effective vaccines? The KMT calls upon the administration to preclude any ideology-formed barriers and work in tandem with civil groups to procure vaccines- which offers the best chance of stemming the spread of Covid-19.

The KMT notes that as the virus rages on, the progress of the administration’s efforts to procure vaccines has been stalling. “Eliminate the obstacles posed by the Government Procurement Act and purchase Tamiflu medications in the international market to increase our Tamiflu safety stocks,” clamored then DPP chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen when the swine flu pandemic, H1N1, struck Taiwan in 2009. Alas, her position at that time brutally contradicts the policy she enacts now as president. To fend off the public’s searing criticisms, the Presidential Office has set forth a five-point response. But it hardly tempers our citizens’ doubts- and indeed, it deepens them.

First, "the government will try to buy vaccines in the international market," claimed the presidential office. Ms. Tsai, in 2009, urged the government to acquire Tamiflu medications in the international market “as soon as possible.” Yet somehow, she claims her administration will “try” its best. The goal of increasing vaccine safety stockpiles is too important to rely on the flimsy word of “trying.”

Second, “the government concluded a contract with Covax last September, with AstraZeneca (AZ) in October, and with Moderna this February,” said the presidential office. President Tsai claims that she is keeping a close watch on the progress every day, but only about 860,000 doses- vastly lower than the 20 million doses promised in the contracts- were delivered to Taiwan this June. The presidential office must disclose the contract contents.

Third, the presidential office promised that to combat the virus, “the government will pull all levers of its power and set up a window for joint efforts by the government and private sector alike to procure more vaccines.” Does setting up a window mean vaccine procurements can go ahead without government approval? Or does the government still require that any contracts with foreign vaccine manufacturers be government-sanctioned? If so, how can we achieve the goal of purchasing vaccines "as soon as possible," as President Tsai insisted in 2009?

Fourth, indeed, domestic vaccines must unapologetically be a national strategic priority. But Ms. Tsai in 2009 asked that “the Health Ministry not side with manufacturers to advertently varnish the quality of Adimmune Corporation’s vaccines.” Why did Ms. Tsai at that time discount the contribution made by Adimmune Corporation’s vaccines? It seems Ms. Tsai has come to realize that domestic vaccines are a national strategic priority only after taking office.

Fifth, to clear the air on the accusation of insider trading, the president ordered an internal investigation. “There exist no problems of insider trading among relevant government personnel,” the presidential office declared. Faced with intensified suspicion from all quarters of society, why not refer the investigation to the prosecution? An internal inquiry serves only to whip up the public’s suspicion about a coverup. In endorsing the internal investigation, she ordered as president, Ms. Tsai perhaps wanted our prosecutors to steer clear of it. 

The KMT stressed that vaccination offers the best hope of suppressing the virus. Ms. Tsai’s position in 2009 was to prioritize acquiring international vaccines as soon as possible while urging the government not to act as a salesman for domestic vaccines. At a time when our people’s lives are under threat of Covid-19, the sense of urgency Ms. Tsai had once demonstrated is now all but nonexistent. This smacks of a double standard.

The KMT avers that as the Covid-19 rampage persists, our leaders’ inconsistent stances and standards have led to a suite of incoherent vaccine policies. The Tsai administration only deploys phrases such as “rolling adjustment” and “adjustments to the change of time and environment” to gloss over the constant correction of wrong decisions. Meantime, it continues to fail to communicate correct, complete, and consistent information to the people. Little wonder Taiwan’s citizens lose trust in the Tsai administration’s vaccine policy.

(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)

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