2021年8月11日 星期三

【中/EN】飛虎八十紀念展揭幕 見證中華民國與美國的友誼締結 Opening of Flying Tigers 80th Anniversary Exhibition, Reminder of Enduring Friendship Between the ROC and United States

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.08.11

飛虎八十紀念展揭幕 見證中華民國與美國的友誼締結

中國國民黨今(11)日於中央黨部一樓大廳舉行「飛虎八十暨中美合作紀念展揭幕儀式」,該展覽與徐宗懋圖文館合作,以三大主題:飛虎成軍、戰功輝煌、蔣夫人訪美旋風,展出歷史照片與飛虎隊相關文物,包括血幅、二戰時期鋼盔、P-40戰機模型、編號五號的飛虎機模型等皆在此次展覽陳列中。國民黨主席江啟臣穿上極具紀念性的飛虎隊皮夾克致詞,前總統、前三軍統帥馬英九則是穿著飛虎隊的紀念衣到場,徐宗懋先生於現場致詞後,親自致贈二本經數位上色還原的美國國家檔案館館藏精選,提供國民黨珍藏。國民黨表示,蔣宋美齡素有「中國空軍之母」之稱,對「飛虎隊」的建立及運作具關鍵作用,因次,此次適逢飛虎八十紀念,選於中央黨部舉辦「虎擊長空 萬里雄風:紀念飛虎隊成立八十週年暨中美合作抵抗侵略紀念特展」以及線上展覽,並將舉辦線上論壇。







Press Release
Culture and Communications Committee, Kuomintang
August 11, 2021

Opening of Flying Tigers 80th Anniversary Exhibition, Reminder of Enduring Friendship Between the ROC and United States

     On August 11, the Kuomintang (KMT) today held the opening ceremony of the “Flying Tigers 80th Anniversary and ROC-US Cooperation Memorial Exhibition" in the lobby of the first floor of the Central Party Department. Chairman Johnny Chiang put on the memorable Flying Tigers leather jacket to deliver a speech while former President and Ma Ying-jeou wore the Flying Tigers memorial coat to the scene.

The KMT said that Madame Chiang Kai-shek, known as "the mother of the Chinese Air Force", played a key role in the establishment and operation of the Flying Tigers, and that the event coincided with the 80th anniversary of the Flying Tigers. This is why the KMT national headquarters had been chosen to hold a special exhibition on the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Flying Tigers and the ROC-US cooperation against Japanese Aggression.

Former President Ma said that he was a flying tiger fan himself, and believed that the Flying Tigers had contributed to both sides of the offense and defense of the military, including shooting down 297 Japanese aircraft in 11 months, reducing the number of Japanese air strikes by 55%, the number of people killed and injured by 52%, destroying buildings by 82%, and so on. The outstanding military performances allowed the return of the ROC's airspace.

In the opening remarks, Chairman Chiang stated that this year, for the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Flying Tigers, the KMT party central  and relevant organizations of Mr. Hsu Chung-mao cooperated on the Flying Tigers 80th Anniversary commemorative series of activities, in order to evoke the memory of historical friendship between the Republic of China and the United States, review the glorious victory of resistance against Japanese aggression, and remember the martyrs who sacrificed during the war.

 (This is an abridged English translation of an official Kuomintang Chinese-language press release.)

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