傾聽國內養豬業者心聲 江主席:黨團將要求蔡總統至立法院進行國情報告
Heed the Sentiments of Domestic Pig
Chairman Chiang: Our Party Caucus
Will Demand that President Tsai Give a State of the Nation Address
at the Legislative Yuan
Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Johnny
Chiang went to Hualien County today (8/29) to visit pig farmers in order to
understand their views regarding the Tsai administration's announcement allowing imports of
US pork containing ractopamine
The farmers stated that the necessary raw materials for domestic pork
cultivation are all imported from abroad, so cultivation costs are extremely
high. US pork imports will acutely affect the Taiwanese industry; furthermore,
the government has strictly prohibited domestic farmers from using the
leanness-enhancing additive ractopamine, a double standard that the pig farmers
feel is unfair. Chairman Chiang is worried that US pork imports will be used
inside many processed products; the farmers are also worried
about this, stating that although the government has verbally promised that it
is working on labelling for US racto-pork, but in reality, the practicality of
implementing these labels remains to be seen.
Chairman Chiang stated that although
the Tsai administration continues to emphasize that the
domestic population will still tend to pick domestically produced pork even
after allowing US pork imports, the fact that imported US racto-pork is legal,
while ractopamine remains illegal for domestic use is clearly unfair. Even more
importantly, besides influencing pig farms, past assessments have revealed that
the price of US pork imports is lower than that of domestic pork, which will
definitely impact market prices.
Chairman Chiang emphasized that at
present, there still remains a series of questions regarding the backend
process of how to clearly label US pork, and that the Tsai administration
actually announced
the pork
import in a press conference before even
communicating with the public. Pig farming businesses of all sizes already face
many restrictions and competition, and now, this sudden decision will
definitely impact them greatly. Even more ridiculously, the pig farmers said
that the government failed to communicate with them and calculate the level of
impact beforehand, nor did it figure out how to make adjustments and subsidize
domestic farmers. Racto-pork will enter the Taiwanese market in less than four
months, and the Tsai administration made this decision suddenly; how can pig
farmers adjust and adapt in such a short timespan? Chairman Chiang calls into
question: considering the fact that labeling and classification will directly
influence the entire chain of consumers, restaurants, and anyone who eats pork,
and when the time comes, the procedures for clear labelling will still have not
been explicitly regulated—instead relying merely on a single document and
executive order to allow racto-pork—why the sudden rush?
Chairman Chiang stated that
President Tsai's ostensible openness and humility have never actually been
exhibited. Even more obviously, regarding the subject of food safety, numerous
consumers and ordinary people are all worried about the effect of ractopamine
on health, yet the Tsai administration has failed to utter a single word
regarding the protection of the people's health. Chairman Chiang also questions
what precisely the NTD$10 billion fund will do. After the subsidy is exhausted
in two or three years, will the entire livestock industry be done for? He
furthermore calls upon the government to make decisions based on conscientious
attention to the sentiments of the industry. Also, what was actually obtained
in return for allowing racto-pork imports? If this is indeed to be a typical
trade negotiation—and President Tsai is an expert in trade negotiations—she
should understand clearly that for most countries, agriculture is the trump
card, often not even being played. Why would she play our trump card first?
Isn't this surrendering before the battle even begins? In any case, those who
are harmed the most in the end will be Taiwan's pig farmers and consumers.
Chairman Chiang also pointed out
that US pork imports will very likely negatively influence other domestic
industries as well. Because of competition, domestic pig farmers will fight for
the right to legally use ractopamine. This will result in a food safety problem
in all of Taiwan, breaching our entire food safety defensive perimeter. At this
time, the government has entirely failed to put forth any sort of countermeasures,
nor has it provided a timeline for preparing such measures. As such, even the
pig farmers themselves did not know until yesterday's announcement that on
January 1st the government will allow racto-pork imports. How could there be
this kind of a government? Are the people able to endure this sort of
Chairman Chiang concluded by
emphasizing that the KMT will, with all its strength, support the domestic
livestock industry and support our pig farmers. The Tsai administration used
executive order and direct announcement, so the Legislative Yuan probably
didn't even have the opportunity to conduct an investigation, not even an
investigation on request. This raises the examples of the past ECFA and
Cross-Strait Services Trade Agreement. At that time, the
Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) swiftly cried that investigation on request
should be changed to an immediate investigation. The discrepancy in attitude is
considerable. Now, for the sake of importing US pork, they have used executive
decree to announce the decision. The DPP once said, "Zero Detection, Zero
Tolerance." Now, however, they have entirely reneged on their past words.
Thus, the KMT will request that President Tsai give a State of the Nation
address at the Legislative Yuan. Chairman Chiang further emphasizes that
yesterday, President Tsai even said that this is a very important decision for
the country, so much so that it will even influence all foreign trade and
national strategy. In this case, she should have gone to the Legislative Yuan
and clearly explained the entire course of her decision making strategy in
order to receive feedback. The KMT Legislative Yuan caucus will, with all its strength, defend the
people's health and refuse to use it as a bargaining chip. Consumer health and
food safety issues are of the utmost importance. On Taiwan, pork is eaten far
more than beef, and the number of consumers is massive, so how can the
so-called symbols and labels indicating racto-pork be implemented? How should
restaurants label pork classification and provide
certificates of origin?
Will investigations of pork sources take the form of batch inspection or random
testing? The Legislative Yuan KMT caucus will also be requested to raise these
questions for the sake of fighting for the people's rights and defending the
people's health. Also, to the immediately affected pig farmers: What's to be
done? Chairman Chiang reiterates that the Tsai administration cannot merely
talk about raising a NTD$10 billion fund; is this NTD$10 billion really going
to be the sum that wipes out Taiwan's pig farmers and pig raising families?
DPP, please, reflect on your own behavior with the same requests you had for
the KMT in the past. Furthermore, many businesspeople have said that Taiwanese
households who raise pigs had great difficulty waiting until the foot-and-mouth disease subsided to be able to
export their pork abroad. And now, they are faced with the impact of US pork
imports. The Tsai administration would do well to think about this.