國民黨:全民監督蔡政府對美經貿談判 確保台灣利益
針對日前美國亞太助理國務卿史達偉(David R. Stilwell)表示將開啟美台「經濟與商業對話」,媒體報導美方或將派遣國務院高階官員來台主持該對話,國民黨回應如下:
一、 面對亞太區域經濟合作的快速進展,中華民國必須與主要貿易夥伴達成自由貿易協議(FTA)或類似的經濟合作機制,否則被邊緣化的情況將更加嚴重。國民黨支持我國在確保社會溝通、民意支持、食安無虞以及國內產業永續發展的情況下,與美國發展更緊密與互惠的經貿關係。
二、 民進黨政府目前未能以開放含萊克多巴胺(瘦肉精)美豬美牛,換取與美國的FTA或雙邊貿易協議(BTA)談判,但民進黨政府四年多來已承諾或支付新台幣四千億元軍購費用,蔡英文總統亦放棄兩岸關係,全力配合美國「印太戰略」,稱台灣要「站在世界抵抗中國的最前線」。國民黨始終強調與美國合作的重要性,並期盼民進黨政府能以台灣全民福祉為念,務實面對國際現實,將對外政治與經貿政策合理化、多元化。
三、 國民黨質疑,美國國務院史達偉助卿提到的雙邊「經濟與商業對話」(Economic and Commercial Dialogue),將由國務院高層官員出面主持,並非經貿相關主管官員,這是否表示美國政府對外經貿主政單位對台美經貿談判並不熱衷?民進黨政府這次恐怕是進退失據,「賠了夫人又折兵」,而且未來在談判中繼續被川普政府「軟土深掘」。
四、 國民黨提醒,台美之間自馬英九政府時期即有「貿易與投資架構協定」(TIFA)次長級協商管道,目前已停開近四年,顯示蔡政府與美國川普(Donald Trump)政府在經貿議題上的互動並不順暢。另,台美「經濟與商業對話」至多也是次長級層,難逃外界「新瓶裝舊酒」的議論。
五、 國民黨呼籲社會各界應留意民進黨政府與美國「經濟與商業對話」的內容,因為此一對話平台,美方所欲聚焦的優先議題清單在於科技和醫療產品供應鏈(包括台自美進口藥價鬆綁)、投資和智慧財產權保護、基礎設施和能源部門合作,我國在許多項目並不具有談判利基或優勢。
六、 國民黨認為,美方將台灣進口含瘦肉精的美豬美牛,當成考慮恢復台美雙邊經貿自由化協商的前提,並非表示台灣在放行美豬美牛後便可進行雙邊FTA或BTA協商。國民黨指出,若未來川普政府在台美「經濟與商業對話」前,極可能以台灣對美國貿易大幅順差為由,當做為進行對話的另一條件,則民進黨政府務必在其宣稱將採取擴大對美採購、深化供應鏈合作等可能做法前,向台灣社會說明如何根留台灣,不會讓台灣的重要資金、人才流向美國。
七、 國民黨提及,蔡英文女士自詡為史上最會溝通與最謙卑的總統,卻屢屢在台美經貿等國家事務上罔顧民主與法治精神,更不事先對國內溝通協商;民進黨一黨獨大,已經變成不受控制的政治巨獸,唯有全民積極監督民進黨及其執政團隊的對美經貿談判,才能確保台灣市場的重要利益不致拱手讓人。
八、 對於史達偉助卿於視訊中提及美國並未改變其「一中政策」,對台灣的主權問題仍不會表示立場。國民黨表示,中華民國與美國在第二次世界大戰並肩作戰,自日本手中收復台灣,美國並於戰後曾派駐大使駐節台北,因此執政的民進黨應忠於中華民國憲法,積極對美主張台灣主權歸屬中華民國,切莫再偷偷摸摸地「偷樑換柱」,掩蓋或切割中華民國的歷史與根基。
Press Release
KMT Culture and Communications Committee
September 4, 2020
1. Confronted with the rapid progress of regional economic cooperation in the Asia Pacific area, the Republic of China (ROC) must proactively seek to ink Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with major trading partners, or build similar economic cooperation mechanisms with them. Otherwise, the ROC will face the serious consequence of being marginalized. The KMT believes that it is important for the ROC to establish a closer, reciprocal economic relationship with the US, while still ensuring that the voices of the vox populi are heard, food safety is secure, and the development of domestic industries are sustainable.
2. The DPP government allowed the import of US beef/pork containing ractopamine into Taiwan, but the bilateral FTA or BTA negotiations are still in limbo. Meanwhile, over the past four years, the DPP government has committed a total of NT$ 400 billion to military procurement. President Tsai has ignored the necessity of adopting a more balanced approach in dealing with cross-Strait relations. Instead, she has chosen to fully cooperate with the US in its Indo-Pacific strategy, claiming that “Taiwan wants to stand on the front line in the fight against the PRC.” The KMT realizes the importance of close ROC-US cooperation. However, we sincerely hope that the DPP government will attach more importance to the well-being of the people of Taiwan. The DPP government should look squarely at the reality of the international community in a more pragmatic manner and, most importantly, recalibrate itself to adopt a more rational and balanced approach in dealing with diplomacy, trade, and economic relations with other countries.
3. US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs David R. Stilwell has brought the idea of having an “Economic and Commercial Dialogue” platform with Taiwan to be chaired by high-ranking officials from the US State Department, rather than by trade/economic officials. The KMT would like to ask, “Does this mean that the USTR is not so keen on Taiwan-US economic/trade talks?” The DPP government may find itself stuck between a rock and a hard place, and end up with nothing. We are afraid that the DPP government will accept whatever the Trump government demands in the future trade talks.
4. The KMT calls attention to the fact that Taiwan and the US restored TIFA, a platform for vice-ministerial level consultations, during the Ma Ying-jeou administration era. However, it has been suspended for four years, which indicates that the interactions between the Tsai and the Trump administrations on trade/economic issues are not very smooth. In addition, given the fact that the “Economic and Commercial Dialogue” involves officials no higher than the vice-ministerial level, it will give the public the impression that it is merely “old wine in a new bottle.”
5. The KMT urges that all sectors of society pay close attention to the content of the Taiwan-US Economic and Commercial Dialogue. Without a doubt, the US will use the platform to focus talks on prioritized issues in investment, intellectual property rights, energy sectors cooperation, as well as supply chains for technological and medical products. For instance, the US will force Taiwan to relax its domestic rules regulating import drug pricing. It is worth noting that Taiwan has no edge over the various issues mentioned above.
6. The US regards Taiwan’s opening of US beef/pork containing ractopamine as a precondition for considering the resumption of Taiwan-US economic/trade consultations. However, this does not necssarily mean that bilateral FTA or BTA negotiations will automatically become implemented after Taiwan allows imports of US beef/pork containing ractopamine. In the future, if US officials use Taiwan’s huge trade surplus with the US as another precondition for resuming bilateral talks before the Taiwan-US Economic and Commercial Dialogue is held, then the DPP government is obliged to first explain to the public how it plans to keep core business, technology, capital, and talent in Taiwan before making any economic promises to buy more American products and deepen cooperation in supply chains.
7. President Tsai once boasted that she is, in all of history, the most humble and the best at communicating with others. However, she has repeatedly disregarded democracy and the rule of law on numerous occasions regarding vital Taiwan-US economic/trade relation issues without prior domestic communication or consultation. The DPP, indulging in one-party rule, has become an uncontrollable political behemoth. We believe that the only way to ensure Taiwan’s best economic interests is for the general public to take the initiative in overseeing the DPP government in its trade talks with the US.
8. During a video conference, US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs David R. Stilwell mentioned that the US government’s “one China policy" remains unchanged and that it does not take a position on Taiwan’s sovereignty. In response, the KMT stated that the ROC and the US fought side by side during the second World War and recovered Taiwan from Japan. After the war, the US even sent an ambassador to Taipei. We believe that the ruling DPP government should be loyal to the ROC Constitution and tell the US government that the sovereignty of Taiwan belongs to the ROC. We urge the Tsai administration to not seek so-called de jure Taiwan independence in the name of the Republic of China. The DPP must not undermine the foundation and history of the ROC.
(This is an abridged version of the KMT’s Chinese language news release)