江主席上午與前主席馬英九、吳敦義、秘書長李乾龍及多位中常委、黨務主管、黨籍民代共同出席中央黨部國慶升旗典禮,大家身穿寫著「ROC FOREVER」的國旗T-shirt,向冉冉升起的國旗致敬,現場共有數百位民眾參與。
最後,江主席感謝在場的各位,還有所有仍在為中華民國奮鬥的朋友,在國民黨的艱困時刻,仍與我們同行,沒有因為可能遭遇的挑戰質疑而袖手旁觀。因為有你們的同行,讓我們改革路途雖然艱辛,仍有溫暖支持。展望未來,我們更要以中華民國為團結的核心,一起努力!共同打拚!中華民國萬歲!R.O.C FOREVER!
Hosts Flag-Raising Ceremony for ROC’s 109th National Day
Culture and Communications Committee
October 10, 2020
(10/10), the Kuomintang (KMT) hosted a flag-raising ceremony at KMT
headquarters for the Republic of China’s (ROC) 109th National Day.
In his speech, Chairman Johnny Chiang Chi-chen acknowledged that the KMT has
faced many challenges this year, ranging from the general and local elections
loss to the aggressive control of national resources by the Democratic
Progressive Party (DPP). The KMT has never and will never back down in the face
of hardship. In times of hardship and setbacks, there will always be learning
and growth. By holding firmly onto our goals and implementing reforms, we will
once again win the trust of the ROC citizens.
Chairman Chiang was accompanied by former KMT Chairmen, Ma Ying-jeou and Wu Den-yih, Secretary General
Lee Chien-lung, as well as members of the Central Standing Committee and Senior
Directors of party affairs. Many wore t-shirts emblazoned with the ROC flag and
the words “ROC FOREVER”. Hundreds of patriotic citizens joined the event to pay
their respect to our nation and flag.
Chairman Chiang indicated that the ceremony was held not just to celebrate the National
Day of the ROC but also to honor the martyrs who helped lay the foundations of
our nation. Chiang emphasized that the ROC is not just a title, regime, or state, but
also a set of values which the founding fathers of our country longed for when
standing up against feudalism, colonialism, and tyranny: liberty, equality of
nations, and welfare and livelihood. When the KMT says we ought to defend the
ROC, we are talking about defending these values!
Chairman Chiang noted that this was a particularly challenging year for the
ROC. The country has faced tensions from an ongoing trade war, prepared
extensively for the pandemic, confronted the prospects of a new cold war, and
experienced increasing risk of conflict in the Taiwan Strait. These challenges
have brought changes and complicated interpersonal and international relationships
for everyone, including the KMT.
Chairman Chiang emphasized that the KMT has faced many trials and tribulations
but has always been able to weather the toughest circumstances through
resilience and perseverance. “During the revolution, we failed ten times before
we succeeded. After the formation of the ROC, we launched the Northern
Expedition against the regional warlords and prevailed. When the Japanese
invaded, we rallied against them and eventually triumphed. When we came from
mainland to Taiwan after the civil war, we established the model for a free
China. During the 1970s, when we experienced predicaments in our diplomatic
affairs, we built a democracy, transitioned into an economic powerhouse, and
became a country worthy of being admired on the world stage.”
Up to today, the KMT
remains steadfast and committed to the ROC ideals and values. The KMT will
always aim to uphold the highest standards as a beacon of freedom for Chinese
communities all over the globe. With these ideals in mind, we will grow in
hardship and learn in failure.
Chiang reminded the DPP that it is because of the hard work of the ROC founders
and martyrs that we are able to celebrate National Day, regardless of party
affiliation. Not only is Double Tenth Day a time to celebrate the 109th
National Day of the ROC, it is also a mainstream concept that the DPP has been
reluctant to recognize. Chairman Chiang sincerely hopes that when the ruling
party celebrates National Day, it can fully consider its relationship with the
ROC rather than remaining in its current one-sided state.
Chairman Chiang expressed his gratitude towards everyone who attended the event
and all those in support of the ROC. Even as the KMT faces challenges, there
are loyal supporters who accompany the KMT every step of the way, through highs
and lows, in office and in reform. Looking ahead, we must emphasize the ROC as
our core value. In unity there is strength. Long live the ROC! ROC Forever!