Anti-Ractopork Signature Drive Nears 90,000 Signatures, Continued
Efforts at Reaching Our Goal
The Kuomintang (KMT) announced this morning (1/14) at a press
conference that the signature drives for two referenda, one to oppose
ractopamine pork (ractopork) imports and the other to tie future referenda to
general elections, have reached new numbers. Ever since the second-stage
referenda were initiated earlier this month, a total of 88,157 signatures have
been collected for the anti-ractopork referendum and 87,800 signatures for the
referendum to tie future referenda to general elections, as of 5pm yesterday.
The KMT expresses gratitude to the people of Taiwan for enthusiastically
participating in the signature drives. However, there is still quite a long way
to go until our goal of 500,000 signatures will be reached. We must keep
sprinting towards that goal with high hopes that the DPP will hear the voice of
500,000 citizens calling for food safety on the final day of our signature
drive (3/10)!
The KMT’s custom-made anti-racto-pork car wrap was showcased for all to see for
the first time today: a pink car with a pig nose and pig ears is sure to be
eye-catching on the streets. The KMT states that the customized pig car will
make its way around all the signature drive locations in Taiwan. Additionally,
it will be present for all signature drive demonstrations and parades. The KMT
calls upon citizens to give a thumbs up to the pig car if they see it driving
around the streets for the protection of food safety and for the continued
momentum of the signature drive!
Culture and Communications Committee Director General Alicia Wang announced
during the press conference this morning that the KMT’s website for the
referenda signature drive has been officially launched. Besides the official
cosigning documents (which can be filled out and mailed to KMT headquarters),
the website also features the current number of signatures and various nearby
cosigning locations, making it convenient for the public to participate. Website
link: https://noractopork.tw/
Alicia Wang emphasizes that despite the fact that there have been many cold
spells this winter, there is still a fiery passion among the public for the referenda
signature drives. The KMT will continue to sprint towards our goal, with plans
to be in Hsinchu City on the afternoon of 1/16 to host a bicycle parade and
signature drive announcement. At the end point of the parade, Juland Temple, we
will make an announcement regarding the signature drive. Next weekend, we will
be in Kaohsiung and Tainan for additional events. We are striving to have
500,000 signatures by the final date of our drive, 3/10!
The KMT emphasizes that President Tsai Ing-wen announced the
importation of ractopork in an unreasonable manner last August. The DPP
administration, the Executive Yuan, and the Legislative Yuan mobilized to
maltreat and insult the public by ignoring the nearly 70% of people who oppose
ractopork! Local governments have requested to have more autonomy regarding the
scrutiny and examination of ractopork, yet the Tsai administration is still not
allowing local governments to protect public health. Hopefully, all citizens
will use this signature drive as an opportunity to show the Tsai government that
they oppose ractopork and the administration’s unreasonable actions! Take your
future into your own hands by casting a vote against ractopork in the
referendum. This is the best and only way to wholly reject ractopork.