2021年1月6日 星期三

【中/ENG】虛實整合雙公投連署作業 江主席:國人直接民權典範 Theoretical & Practical Integration of Dual Referenda Signature Drive Work Chairman Chiang: A Paragon of the People’s Direct Civil Rights

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.01.06

虛實整合雙公投連署作業 江主席:國人直接民權典範







Theoretical & Practical Integration of Dual Referenda Signature Drive Work

Chairman Chiang: A Paragon of the People’s Direct Civil Rights


At the Central Standing Committee meeting today (January 6th), Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Johnny Chiang discussed citizen experiences on anti-ractopamine pork (ractopork) movement, referenda, and impeachment, inviting ROC Consumers’ Foundation Department of Legal Affairs head Huang Yi-teng and Hope Media Foundation executive officer Tang Ping-jung to share their thoughts. Chairman Chiang stated that the KMT is not the only political party that is concerned about food safety, referenda, impeachment, and other related topics. He hopes that by working with civic groups to propose even more topics of discussion, and with the prodding of these groups, they can “Protect Taiwan, Defend Democracy, and Fight for the Future” together.

Chairman Chiang then stated that ever since the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government’s forcefully passed executive order of ractopork imports officially went into effect, the chaos of the market has gradually emerged. The DPP continues to turn a blind eye to the concerns of consumers, worries of the restaurant industry, and pressures on livestock producers. Worse, when faced with fluctuations in pork prices, the DPP claims that the consumer is able to bear the burden; the DPP officials are arrogant and incapable of empathizing with the people. Sad! Taiwan has continuously maintained a clamor of over 60% of the people opposing ractopork, evincing the substantive flaws in our current representative system. The KMT, in addition to condemning the DPP exploiting its legislative majority to go against the public will, is also resolutely pushing forward referenda to use direct democracy to convey the people’s opposition to ractopork imports and the people’s determination to tie referenda to the general elections. The Central Election Commission has already provided the format of the second round of signatures for these two referenda drafts. With the combined efforts of the KMT central headquarters and colleagues in local party chapters, the KMT will be at every signature drive location on both days this weekend (Jan 9th and Jan 10th) to show our determination in our mission to reach the required number of signatures. We will persevere further with the follow-up, setting up voting booths wherever people congregate, and by means of public speeches, deepen the people’s understanding of the referenda’s contents. For the sake of allowing the people to sign conveniently in their own neighborhoods, the KMT will also work with party delegates, local party chapters, local shops, and other strategic points to set up “friendly signing booths.”

Chairman Chiang pointed out that, in addition to concrete signature drives, the KMT has set up an official website dedicated to the referenda. This makes it easy for the people to download the signature form and look up signature booths; the page also provides regular updates of referenda related information. By integrating theory and practice, the website has turned the signature drive work of the two referenda, the food safety referendum and tying referenda to the general elections referendum, into a paragon of direct civil rights for the people. Even more importantly, we must ensure that this August 28th, the people can use the referendum vote to decide their own food safety standards and when they can exercise their right to referenda.

Last year, the Executive Yuan bombastically convened a press conference in order to claim that local government autonomy in adopting higher food safety standard regulations is unconstitutional. Chairman Chiang believes that this claim clearly exceeds Executive authority. Even worse, it intimidates local officials into not enforcing the law. This arrogant and despotic attitude maliciously harms the authority of local governments to autonomy and the legal execution of official local business by government workers.

Chairman Chiang emphasized that the KMT supports local governments drawing up stricter food safety standards and supports the protection of the people’s health by means of clear labels on meat products. The KMT will also proactively assist local governments by responding to the central government’s impotent declaration with relevant legal relief. Chairman Chiang also called upon the Executive Yuan to give the right of constitutional interpretation back to the Judicial Yuan Council of Grand Justices and set standards according to local government legislation. Before Grand Justices make a definite interpretation, “the central government mustn’t halt, change, revoke, nor repeal local government decisions and implementations.” The central government must respect local governments’ right to autonomy and protect the health of the people by means of local governments.

Lastly, Chairman Chiang reiterated that there is no substitute for the health of the people. Since the DPP government-controlled Legislative Yuan set fire to the source of food safety, local governments naturally should draw up stricter standards, allowing the people of the entire nation to oversee and defend their own health together. Since the DPP government is incapable of taking external pressure, it should support local governments assisting in protecting food safety. Directly declaring local autonomy to be unconstitutional and intimidating local government workers is nothing more than the return of authoritarianism and degeneration of democracy. This is unequivocally unacceptable to the people.

(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)
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