2021年4月13日 星期二

【中/ENG】行政院卸責四大謊言 蘇貞昌下台、蔡英文踹共!The KMT revealed four lies from the Executive Yuan, Premier Su should resign, and President Tsai should bear responsibility.

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.04.13

行政院卸責四大謊言 蘇貞昌下台、蔡英文踹共!

中國國民黨文傳會主委王育敏、發言人陳偉杰今(13)日召開「行政院卸責四大謊言 蘇貞昌下台、蔡英文踹共!」記者會。國民黨強調,蘇貞昌接任閣揆後不僅刻意漠視前任賴清德積極推動的台鐵改革,為了卸責,竟還在太魯閣事故後由發言人以連篇謊言誤導國人。國民黨再次強烈要求蘇貞昌應知恥下台,更要請問滿嘴改革台鐵的蔡英文總統,請告訴國人確實的時程,到底何時要成立跨部會小組,推動台鐵改革來落實民眾行的安全?







The KMT revealed four lies from the Executive Yuan, Premier Su should resign, and President Tsai should bear responsibility. 

In a recent meeting on April 13th, the KMT stated that after assuming premiership, , Su Tseng-chang (蘇貞昌) almost wholly neglected the active reforms pushed by then-Premier William Lai Ching-te (賴清德). To shirk responsibility, Premier Su even went so far as to tell  lies to mislead the public after the Hualien train derailment on April 2nd.. The KMT called for Premier Su's resignation and asked President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) to put forward a constructive plan for railway reforms. 

Regarding 2018 Yilan train derailment, the KMT pointed out four lies told by the Executive Yuan. 

After the Yilan train derailment involving a Puyuma Express in 2018, Taiwan Railways completed a report after a thorough investigation on January 18th, 2019. However, a document from January 21th of the same year proved that the Executive Yuan gave no instructions after the research. Moreover, Premier Su even neglected valuable recommendations by experts, such as asking Premier Su to explain the situation and launch  a steering group for the reform. Premier Su failed to arrange a group report, nor did he establish a steering group to deal with the matter. Su was totally irresponsible. 

Second, Premier Su said he asked the Vice Premier to hold a special group meeting to supervise Taiwan Railways. However, the media exposed that the project meeting was in fact held one year after the rail breakage incident near  Chenggong railway station in May 2020.. The discussion mainly focused on  technical issues in the incident instead of touching on core systematic reforms. The KMT criticized Premier Su for his attitude and  intendtion in misleading the public. 

Third, the Executive Yuan claimed that the final report of the investigation would only be considered as an internal reference. However, many ad hoc group members were ministers from the Ministries of Transportation and Communications, Finance, and Economics Departments. Moreover, there were even experts from different fields, such as professors in disaster prevention and representatives from the Chinese Institute of Transportation. The Premier, however, neglected all the advices from government officials and experts, which was very irresponsible. 

Last but not least, the Executive Yuan claimed that they did not withhold the report. However, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications revealed the complete information to the public only eight months after it was released. Even the Minister of Transportation and Communications Lin Jia-long (林佳龍) said he didn’t understand the reason and was unhappy about Su’s decision. Therefore, the Executive Yuan was lying when it said they did not delay the release of the final report.  

The KMT has asked for the government to be more transparent and responsible. Most importantly, the government should demonstrate its determination in pushing for reforms. The Tsai administration should stop uttering useless slogans and take concrete actions in reform.

(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)

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