新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.4.27
針對謝長廷不斷硬凹台灣也排核廢水的言論,國民黨表示,已經引起台灣民意的反彈,根據網路平台Yahoo 4月26日開始進行的網路民調,「謝長廷再發表台電排放核廢水言論,你認為適不適當?」截止今日上午8時止,已投票的2,519人,高達2,365人(93.88%)表達不適當,認為有失駐日代表職責;僅154人(6.11%)認為適當。事實上,早在4月15日,當謝長廷提出台灣也排核廢水時,Yahoo民調即針對「駐日代表謝長廷扯台灣核電廠也排廢水,拿廢水跟日本核廢水相提並論,你認不認同他的論述?」進行網路調查,當時共有1,386人投票,有1,327人(95.7%)表示不認同,認為引用兩國廢水內容有誤;僅59人(4.3%)的人表示認同。國民黨指出,謝長廷扯台灣核電廠為日本排放福島核災廢水辯解的說辭,已經造成台灣民意的高度反彈與不滿,蔡政府都聽不見嗎?
Opinion poll shows 90% deem Frank Hsieh’s Remarks on Nuclear Wastewater Inappropriate. Why does President Tsai still look the other way?
The Kuomintang (KMT) held a press conference on April 27, criticizing President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) for keeping so quiet on Frank Hsieh’s misstatement(謝長廷) that Taiwan’s nuclear power plants had also previously discharged untreated radiation-contaminated water into the sea. Hsieh made the remarks following Japan’s decision to dump contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean in 2023.
Hsieh, being a representative of the ROC to Japan, was considered derelect of duty for the misstatement by over 90% of the respondents in a latest poll as he failed to defend Taiwan’s interests on the matter. During the press conference, the KMT asked President Tsai to shoulder full responsibility, demanding that Hsieh immediately return to Taiwan to report the matter to the congress.
According to a survey conducted by the online platform Yahoo on April 26, under the title: ‘’Frank Hsieh again stated that Taipower discharged untreated radiation-contaminated water. Do you agree with Hsieh’s remarks?’’, 2365 (93.88%) out of 2519 respondents considered Hsieh’s statement extremely inappropriate. On April 15, when Frank Hsieh first stated that Taiwan also discharged untreated radiation-contaminated water, Yahoo conducted a similar poll under the title: ‘‘Frank Hsieh, Taiwan’s representative to Japan,, lumped normal discharge of cooling water from nuclear power plants with Fukushima radiation-contaminated water. Do you agree with him?’’. At the time, 1327 (95.7%) out of 1386 respondents disagreed with him, believing that lumping together different scenarios of the two countries was incorrect. Only 59 respondents (4.3%) concurred with Hsieh. The KMT stated that Frank Hsieh engages in “whataboutism” by falsely comparing Taiwan’s nuclear power plants to Japanese nuclear power plants in order to downplay Japan’s decision to discharge radiation-contaminated water into the sea. His misstatement has sparked wide discontent among the public in Taiwan.
The KMT stressed that the so-called “evidence” offered by Hsieh in his two Facebook posts were proven incorrect by the Atomic Energy Council (AEC). On April 15, the AEC explained in detail on the matter, emphasizing that the tritium waste liquid discharge plan currently adopted by Japan is a post-treatment measure after a serious nuclear accident. The AEC noted that people should be more cautious when comparing Japan’s case with other countries. The KMT emphasized that by falsely comparing Taiwan’s nuclear power plants to that in Japan cannot downplay the public’s misgivings about Japan’s decision to discharge radiation-contaminated water into the sea.
The KMT questioned whether Hsieh intends to cover up his erroneous statement by presenting false evidence to confuse the public. If Hsieh believed that his remarks were tenable, why would he revise what he had written on his original Facebook post? Is it appropriate for an incapable politician like Hsieh to continue to serve as the Republic of China (Taiwan)’s representative to Japan, asked the KMT.
The KMT emphasized that even though the AEC has argued that the water discharged by Taiwan is different from that of Japan, Hsieh still deliberately speaks contrary to the AEC and the DPP government. Japan plans to allow South Korea, which had previously expressed protests and opposition, to send experts to participate in the International Atomic Energy Agency’s investigation mission to Fukushima; however, despite all our efforts, Taiwan is always shut out in the cold. One thing the KMT would like to ask President Tsai and Premier Su: “Can you bear such an ROC representative to Japan who "puts Japan's interests first and regards Taiwan's security as nothing?”
(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)