新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.4.28
KMT Chairman Chiang: Future of Fourth Nuclear Plant depends on the Collective Will and Decision of the people.
KMT Chairman Chiang Chi-chen (江啟臣) stated at a regular Central Standing Committee meeting today (April 28th) that this day marks the 7th year since the mothballing of the Fourth Nuclear Plant. This day reminds us that ‘deferment does not equal solution to a problem’. This day also marks the 30th anniversary since the founding of the ‘Referendum Promotion Association for Fourth Nuclear Plant’ by former DPP Chairman Lin Yi-hsiung (林義雄). Despite the passing of time, we are constantly reminded that there are practical concerns, but more so our dependence on public’s collective wisdom to determine the final decision towards the abolishment or preservation of the Fourth Nuclear Plant.
Chairman Chiang stressed that the public’s voting on the decision of abolishment or preservation of the Fourth Nuclear Plant has been the biggest common denominator between the ruling and opposition parties for decades. However, the DPP’s fierce attack and distortion on both the Fourth Nuclear Plant Referendum and the Algae Reef Protection Referendum clearly revealed DPP’s under-confidence towards their current energy policies.
The Chairman pointed out that in face of different referendums, people can make different choices, and that we must once again reinstate and call out to the public to support the KMT’s stance on ‘Anti-Ractopamine Pork’ and ‘Tie Referenda to General Elections,’ returning environmental and energy policies to the hands and decisions of the people.
Chairman Chiang added that the government led by President Tsai can continue to defame and distort referendums. However, each defamation would become a self-denial of DPP itself, slandering senior DPP’ members’ hard work on direct democracy. We would use referendum votes to remind the DPP of the forgotten glory of democracy. On August 28th, we shall walk into the polling stations and use our votes to witness the excellence in the pathway towards direct democracy.
Chairman Chiang addressed that the DPP fails to explain self-contradictory actions by attacking the Nuclear Plant Referendum, at the same time over-looking Japanese government’s announcement to dump nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean. Japan turns a blind eye on surrounding countries’ joint objection, ignoring Japan’s Fisheries groups’ protests, yet the DPP continues to be permissive and even embrace Japan’s conduct. Frank Hsieh, the Representative of the Taipei Cultural and Economic Affair Office in Japan, deliberately confuses the differences between nuclear-contaminated water with that of reactor cooling water, a ridiculous act of fawning by trading-in our national interest.
Chairman Chiang addressed that the DPP Government should make an official protest towards the Japanese government and replace our disqualified Representative. Furthermore, we must proactively seek participation as part of a third party supervision in order to ensure that Taiwan will be able to express concerns and voice our opinions during a joint supervision on Japanese government’s attempted measures of releasing nuclear contaminated water.
(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)