新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.4.22
中國國民黨今(22)日表示,根據「德國看守協會」(Germanwatch)發布的「氣候變遷績效指標」(Climate Change Performance Index 2021, CCPI 2021),台灣排名為倒數第五,其中,再生能源評比倒退,凸顯我國再生能源發展仍落後其他國家甚多;另外,2020年氣候變遷報告顯示,台灣減碳成績在全世界排名倒數第三,但民進黨不思反省、檢討,只會搬出「馬維拉」來推托卸責,此舉並無法掩飾其能源轉型政策的失能與失敗。
DPP in Office: Carbon Emissions Reduction, International Climate Change Performance Falling
DPP Can Only Try to Blame President Ma and Shirk Responsibility!
The Kuomintang (KMT) stated today (April 22nd) that according to the Climate Change Performance Index 2021 (CCPI 2021) issued by Germanwatch, Taiwan’s ranking has fallen to fifth, including a regression in Germanwatch’s evaluation of Taiwan’s renewable energy sources, exposing the fact that our nation’s development of renewable energy sources remain extremely backwards compared to those of other countries. Furthermore, in 2020, climate change reports have shown that Taiwan’s carbon emissions reduction performance worldwide ranking has also regressed to number three, yet the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) fails to neither reflect on nor review its performance. They know only how to make excuses and shirk responsibility by blaming former President Ma Ying-jeou. This tired act cannot cover up the incompetence and failure of the DPP’s energy transformation policies.
The KMT also pointed out that according to the Republic of China (ROC) Ministry of Economic Affairs’ “ROC Fuel Combustion CO2 Emissions Statistics,” after President Tsai Ing-wen took office in 2016, all measures of ROC CO2 emissions were greater emissions from the time that former President Ma Ying-jeou was in office. CO2 emissions were highest in 2017, reaching 269,460,000 tons. Evidently, the DPP’s so-called “Non-nuclear, Cut Coal, Increase Gas, Spread Green” energy policy has entirely failed to attain its low carbon transformation goal of “zero emissions.”
The KMT, pushing the issue another step forward, then raised the example of the Taiwan Power Company’s structure of issuing the sale of electric units: in 2015, the final year of former President Ma’s term in office, burning coal constituted 75.5% of electricity production, but after President Tsai Ing-wen took office, electricity production from burning coal continuously rose. Coal burning reached its zenith at 82.2% in 2017, and in 2019 it still sat at 78.5%: all higher than those of the Ma government. The Tsai administration’s energy transformation is clearly an utter failure: it didn’t even achieve its goal of carbon emissions reduction.
The KMT also emphasized that during President Tsai Ing-wen’s first inaugural speech in 2016, she vowed, “We will no longer be absent from the fight against global warming and climate change.” She went even further and stated that the Executive Yuan would establish an office specifically responsible for energy and carbon emissions reduction. However, President Tsai’s vow is clearly just a catchphrase. In reality, although the Executive Yuan’s Office of Energy and Carbon Reduction was, from its founding, supposed to convene a meeting once every three months, it only convened a meeting once in 2020 at the end of the year on December 30th. This has truly revealed the emptiness of the DPP’s so-called “importance of and determination to transform energy.”
Lastly, the KMT stated that the Tsai administration merely mouths the words “actively push for energy transformation,” and its concrete actions are actually to spew excuses and shirk responsibility by bringing out Ma Ying-jeou as a scapegoat. In the end it was discovered that the Tsai administration’s “carbon reduction” results ranked at the bottom of international evaluations and official numbers were worse than those of the Ma administration. The KMT calls upon the DPP to stop with its all talk and no action. Dragging out the Ma administration as a scapegoat only makes the Tsai administration’s incompetence even more obvious. The DPP should respond to the grim situation of climate change with concrete actions and accomplishments. This is the proper way forward.
(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)