國民黨指出,七大工業國集團(Group of 7)本月5日外長會議所發布的公報、美國國務卿布林肯(Antony J. Blinken)於同月7日的官方新聞聲明、最近若干理念相近國家民選代表的連署或決議等等,均指出應恢復臺灣在國民黨政府執政時期,於世界衛生大會的觀察員地位,國民黨對此表示欣慰與感謝,這也顯示國民黨執政時期,確有能力為台灣在國際外交上做出更多貢獻。
KMT values and appreciates all kinds of support for ROC from international community
The Kuomintang (KMT) believes that everybody in this country should value and appreciate all kinds of support for the Republic of China (ROC) from the international community. The global community has expressed concerns about peace in the Taiwan-Strait and issued positive statements on the ROC’s significance in participating in the World Health Assembly (WHA).
Documents including the communique issued by the Group of 7 foreign ministers on the 5th of this month, the official press statement of U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken on the 7th of the same month, and the recent signatures or resolutions of elected representatives from several countries, etc., all pointed out that Taiwan’s WHA observer status obtained during the Kuomintang government should be restored. The KMT expressed gratitude for their support. All of the above show that the KMT was capable of making contributions to Taiwan’s international diplomacy during its ruling period.
In addition, the KMT stressed that politics couldn’t help resolving the problem of pandemics. At this critical moment when the world is fighting Covid-19 together, Taiwan should overcome political obstacles and participate in important events to become an active and devoted member. We expect to join the 74th WHA activities on May 24 in a proper capacity.
The KMT pointed out that there are misgivings over tensions across the Taiwan Strait. The KMT urged politicians from both sides of the Taiwan Strait to exercise self-restraint, refrain from provocative rhetoric and most importantly shelve differences in order to maintain peace and prosperity across the Taiwan Strait.
The communique from the Group of 7 conference indicated the importance of maintaining peace across the Taiwan-Strait and encouraged a peaceful solution to cross-Strait disputes. The KMT welcomed the above statement.
However, the KMT emphasized that one shall not ignore the impacts of a deteriorating cross-Strait relationship on either Taiwan’s international participation or cross-Strait security. Taiwan should avoid entangling itself with power politics of hegemonies or sacrificing national sovereignty. The DPP government should be more open-minded in communicating with people from all walks of life and seek their advice. Most importantly, the ROC should join international organizations in a rational, pragmatic manner, and strive for peace across the Taiwan Strait; this is the only responsible way to improve the well-being of the 23.5 million people in Taiwan.
(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)