新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.5.11
國家元首帶頭製造「假訊息」 蔡英文應向國人道歉!
President Tsai Should Apologize for Causing Confusion on Anti-ractopamine Referendum
On May 11, the Kuomintang (KMT) indicated that President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) tempers with a referendum proposal by changing its title from ‘‘Anti-Ractopamine Referendum’’ to ‘‘Anti-American Pork Containing Ractopamine Referendum’’ on her Facebook post when mentioning the four referenda slated to be held on August. As a national leader, President Tsai should apologize to the public for creating and spreading confusion among the public.
The main text of the “Anti-Ractopamine Referendum” proposal is ‘‘Do you agree that the government should entirely ban the imports of pigs, pork, offal, and related products containing ractopamine?’’. The KMT never uses the wording of ‘‘Anti-American’’ or ‘‘Anti-American Pork Containing Ractopamine’’ in the context of the referendum.
According to an internal poll conducted by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), when answering the question ‘‘Do you think the KMT is against ractopamine pork or Anti-American pork containing ractopamine?’’, 62% of the respondents believe the KMT is against ractopamine pork, while only 21.5% of the respondents believe that the KMT is against American pork. In the same internal poll, 62.8% of the respondents indicates that they disagree with imports of ractopamine pork, while 50.3% argues that they strongly disagree with the government’s decision to allow imports of such pork. This demonstrates the fact that the public understands the KMT’s position in opposing all ractopamine pork rather than specific American pork that contains ractopamine. President Tsai and the DPP should be aware of this.
The KMT pointed out that it is the DPP government that is fully responsible for its false product-labeling policy as it truly hurts the interests of American pig farmers. “The DPP government insists on opening but is unwilling to label whether or not pork products contain ractopamine. Instead, it requires labeling of country of origin, which only causes panic and misgivings about US pork products among the public.The DPP government is the main culprit for specifically labeling US pork as products containing ractopamine.” stressed by the KMT.
The KMT added that President Tsai never reflects on mistakes but intentionally tempered with the title of the ractopamine referendum proposal in her Facebook post. Obviously, she intents on sparking ‘‘Anti-Americanism’’ for hidden political agenda. The KMT emphasized that President Tsai has lost her standing and stature as a leader of the nation as she made and spread disinformation to mislead the public.
(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)