2021年5月31日 星期一

【中/ENG】國民黨:未反對國產疫苗 但切勿倉促上路 The KMT: We Don’t Oppose the Domestically-produced Vaccine Insofar as It Isn't Rushed through Clinical Trials.

             新 聞 稿      中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.05.31

國民黨:未反對國產疫苗 但切勿倉促上路





The KMT: We Don’t Oppose the Domestically-produced Vaccine Insofar as It Isn't Rushed through Clinical Trials.

In response to President Tsai’s remarks today (May 31) on the progress of pandemic prevention and vaccine development, “Taiwan hasn’t been out of the Covid woods and is still facing a dire lack of vaccines,” says the Kuomintang (KMT). Taiwan’s citizens hope to receive the vaccine as soon as possible. And President Tsai must answer when Taiwan can achieve a 70% vaccination rate among its population. Further, the administration must disclose the exact amount of vaccine in storage and lay out a clear vaccination schedule. Without explicit assurances, our citizens will face continuous anxiety, remain exposed to Covid-19. The KMT also calls upon President Tsai to stop some members of the DPP from misleading the public with distorted and untrue information, which has hamstrung the pandemic prevention work.

The KMT notes President Tsai skirted many of the opposition’s questions throughout her remarks, taking the opportunity instead to implore the public to work together to stem and clarify fake information for the administration. Yet Ms. Tsai didn’t even bother to produce any statement on the recent controversy- accusation of disseminating an avalanche of fake news- swirling around her party and administration. Meanwhile, the KMT questions why our government considers our vaccine doses sufficient just when governments worldwide are striving mightily to purchase safe, effective and internationally certified vaccines. To date, Taiwan only has 860,000 vaccine doses in storage, with the vaccination rate being among the lowest. President Tsai should provide an explanation to the public.

The KMT stresses that it doesn’t oppose to the domestically-produced vaccine and recognizes the efforts invested in its research and development by our brilliant scientists and medical researchers. However, the clinical trials should not be simplified or shortened for the purpose of a faster rollout, thus the vaccine shouldn’t gain a green light until it passes the Phase 3 clinical trial. After all, our citizens’ health must be the highest of priorities. No matter which types of vaccines, how could the public feel safe to have vaccines injected in their arms that aren’t internationally certified? How could we make the people feel safe about the vaccine?

The KMT further points out that just like President Tsai, the Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong, also made similar remarks earlier. The difference was that unlike President Tsai, Mr. Lee was willing to confront the reality that Covid-19 has now become ever-more contagious. Furthermore, Mr. Lee reassured the restive public by telling them they would be able to buy their testing kits, promising to deploy more extensive testing systems and regularly testing potential super-spreaders. In comparison, President Tsai’s litany was devoid of substance- lacking a reified vaccination schedule nor a specific plan for vaccination implementation. After Ms. Tsai’s press conference, myriad questions were unresolved, and Taiwan’s citizens were left scratching their heads.

(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)
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