2021年6月4日 星期五

【中/ENG】江主席號召「挺醫護、要疫苗」 6/6齊發聲 Chairman Chiang Calls on Everyone to Jointly Voice “Support for Medical Staff and Demand Vaccines” on June 6th

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.06.04

江主席號召「挺醫護、要疫苗」 6/6齊發聲












(2)戶外場所:發聲「挺醫護要疫苗」, 開車行進間,鳴按喇叭(請避開醫療院所)



Chairman Chiang Calls on Everyone to Jointly Voice “Support for Medical Staff and Demand Vaccines” on June 6th


It has been nearly three weeks since the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) heightened the epidemic alert level for Taiwan to Level 3 and strengthened various national restrictions and measures, effective from May 15, in response to the increasing level of community transmissions, but the pandemic has not slowed down. The panic among the public and the physical and mental stress on medical staff have almost reached a critical point, but the government has been unable to obtain enough vaccines that the people urgently need. Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Johnny Chiang (江啟臣) held a press conference in the morning of June 4th, calling on the people to participate in a march to jointly voice "support for medical staff and demand vaccines” on June 6th at 12:00 noon this Sunday by honking horns or drumming pots and pans to express the everyone’s expectations and ire with the government's incompetence.

In the morning, Chairman Chiang held a press conference at the Party Headquarters of the Central Committee, announcing that the KMT would launch a nationwide pop-up event at 12:00 noon on June 6th. In addition, at 8 o'clock that evening, he also called on all people to "turn off all lights for one minute," representing a “moment of silence” protest against the Tsai Ing-wen administration. It is precisely because of the government's ineffective pandemic prevention measures that everyone has been plunged into darkness.

Chairman Chiang pointed out that according to media reports, the Japanese government is about to donate 1.24 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines to Taiwan. The KMT expressed its sincerest gratitude to Japan for its kindness. In addition, the United States will also distribute some vaccines to Taiwan. Chairman Chiang also expressed gratitude to the US on behalf of the KMT. He pointed out that the amount of vaccines provided internationally has exceeded the 876,000 doses held by the government, proving that "opening the door and accepting goodwill" allows us to get more vaccines quickly. It also indicated that the Tsai administration's vaccines procurement capabilities urgently need help from the private sector and other countries in the world.

Facing the current dilemma of procuring vaccines for Taiwan, the KMT emphasized that "adequate, safe, and effective" vaccines are the ultimate solution to the new COVID-19 pandemic. The KMT calls on all people to express their desire to "support medical care and demand vaccines" on June 6th so that those in power can feel the ire of the people and the people’s support for medical personnel and demand for vaccines.

At 12:00 noon on June 6th, under the premise of not obstructing pandemic prevention and not gathering together in large groups, please make use of common materials and participate in the following mass activities:

(1) When driving, honk your horns to express your heartfelt wishes.

(2) At home, beat pots and pans to express your ire

(3) Take a selfie or video, upload it to Facebook and other social media outlets, and use the hashtag "#66 speak together" and "#we support the medical staff and demand vaccines ".

The KMT emphasized that in spite of the severe pandemic, President Tsai Ing-wen has never mentioned a specific vaccine policy: When will Taiwan achieve the goal of herd immunity? When will life return to normal? The KMT sincerely appeals to the people that given the raging pandemic, it is a critical moment of life and death. Please stand up and express your opinions. Only strong pressure can prompt the government to respond more actively and quickly to public opinion.

(This is an abridged version of an official KMT Chinese language press release)
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