2021年8月26日 星期四

【中/EN】非洲豬瘟橫行現檢驗破口 籲暫緩萊豬進口 KMT Urges Ractopamine Pork Imports to Be Suspended After African Swine Fever Inspection Breaches

新 聞 稿 中國國民黨文化傳播委員會 110.08.26

非洲豬瘟橫行現檢驗破口 籲暫緩萊豬進口

中國國民黨今(26)日召開「非洲豬瘟橫行現檢驗破口 籲暫緩萊豬進口」記者會,由文傳會主委王育敏、副主委黃子哲、李永萍共同出席。國民黨表示,含非洲豬瘟的肉製品非法走私入台販售,經查已橫行12縣市。國民黨強調,邊境檢驗無法充分落實,也將使「豬肉儀表板」等相關資訊的參考價值受到嚴重質疑。






Press Release
Culture and Communications Committee, Kuomintang
August 26, 2021

KMT Urges Ractopamine Pork Imports to Be Suspended After African Swine Fever Inspection Breaches
     The Kuomintang (KMT) held a press conference on August 26 to appeal to the authorities to suspend pork imports due to the rampant inspection breaches of products infected with the African swine virus and pork containing ractopamine residue, commonly dubbed “ractopork” in Taiwan.
     The KMT criticized that the Customs Administration under Premier Su Tseng-chang failed to implement 100% secure inspections, resulting in a recent surge in smuggling of African swine fever infected pork products, on top of the Tsai administration’s controversial decision to lift the ban on pork imports containing the feed additive ractopamine nearly nine months ago. 
     According to national polls conducted in July, 60.3 percent of respondents think that imports of ractopork should be suspended until the  referendum on the issue is held in December, while only 23.3 percent disagree. The recent spat of the smuggling of African swine fever-infected pork products has only increased such sentiments.

     Furthermore, Premier Su Tseng-chang made a commitment in 2019 to earmark NT$320 million for more inspection manpower and technologies so as to inspect 100% of baggage from high-risk areas , but the actual sampling rate is only 2%.  This shows that the government's border inspection capacity is extremely insufficient, and the manpower is probably not in place. The fact that Premier Su showed up at the airport to inspect the air parcel X-ray machines can hardly solve all problems.

     Hence, on August 28, Chairman Johnny Chiang of the KMT held an outdoor press conference to call on all people to vote in the December 18 referendum against the importation of ractopork to defend their own rights in the face of the government’s poor decisions. 

(This is an abridged English translation of an official Kuomintang Chinese-language press release.)
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