民進黨再度偷渡台獨 中華民國歷史被攔腰截斷
針對國慶籌備委員會今(8)日公布今年國慶大典「金陽雙十」主視覺設計,中國國民黨指出,民進黨執政下的國慶設計,再度讓國號、國旗被消失。慶祝中華民國國慶,然而卻掛上「Taiwan National Day」,中文更不見任何國號字樣;對照今年初,民進黨政府推出新版護照,同樣也是放大「TAIWAN」字樣,再讓中華民國的英文國號極小化,「REPUBLIC OF CHINA」直接淪為環繞國徽外的迷你綴飾。透過護照設計、國慶日主視覺使出各種如出一轍的小動作,蔡政府根本是「英文台獨」,難道國家是中華民國,有這麼不敢告訴外國人嗎?國民黨質疑,「中華民國」對蔡英文政府而言,始終都是說不出口的贅字?
Press Release
Culture and Communications Committee, Kuomintang
September 8, 2021
DPP Once Again Connives for Taiwan Independence, Tearing ROC History into Pieces
Regarding the Republic of China (ROC) National Day Preparatory Committee’s announcement that the central theme of this year’s National Day Celebration will be “Golden Sun Double Ten,” the Kuomintang (KMT) points out that the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has once again omitted our nation’s official name and flag during their National Day planning. Furthermore, they have chosen the English name of “Taiwan National Day” for the celebration of ROC National Day; the Chinese name doesn’t even contain the name of our nation. Earlier this year, the DPP administration pushed out a new passport cover, which similarly enlarged the word “TAIWAN” and minimized the official English name of our nation. “Republic of China” was reduced to a tiny circle of decoration around our national emblem. The redesign of our passports and the central theme of this year’s National Day both use the same conniving tricks; the administration of President Tsai Ing-wen is basically striving for “English Language Taiwan Independence.” Our nation’s name is the Republic of China; why is the administration so ashamed of using it with foreigners? The KMT suspects that, to the Tsai administration, the words “Republic of China” have always been unspeakable and superfluous.
The KMT indicates that, the National Day Preparatory Committee’s explanation reads, “During the course of tempering ourselves for over half a century, with freedom and democracy protecting the safety of the Taiwan people and maintaining the stability of the Indo-Pacific region…,” openly obscuring the ROC’s 110 years of history. This is reprehensible. Where did this statement of “over half a century” come from? What date did it start counting from? We will be celebrating the ROC’s 110th National Day, yet the DPP administration has hacked our nation’s history into pieces, cleaving 110 years in half. What kind of idea is the DPP conniving to push? Furthermore, within the National Day Preparatory Committee’s proposal of the central theme’s color scheme, the DPP went as far as directly splattering a color that doesn’t live up to its name: democracy green. In the face of the pan-Green camp’s recent absurd dictatorship, this color association causes one to not know whether to laugh or cry.
The KMT emphasizes that this year will be President Tsai's sixth National Day since taking office, and it is extraordinarily regrettable that the Republic of China has once again been relegated to playing a minor role. The KMT strongly calls upon the DPP to refrain from governance via ideology, to renounce the usage of elegant writing to pad internal announcements, to sincerely face history, and to pragmatically face the current situation. Only in this way can genuine peace be upheld and our nation’s sovereignty be safeguarded.
(This is an abridged English translation of an official Kuomintang Chinese-language press release.)