2022年8月20日 星期六

【中/EN】美方表示維持與陸溝通維護印太和平 國民黨:表示歡迎並以行動溝通為台灣發聲 The KMT Welcomes the U.S. Position and Takes Actions to Communicate Taiwan’s Voice As Well

    新 聞 稿                中國國民黨文化傳播委員會             111.8.20

美方表示維持與陸溝通維護印太和平 國民黨:表示歡迎並以行動溝通為台灣發聲






The KMT Welcomes the U.S. Position and Takes Actions to Communicate Taiwan’s Voice As Well

The Kuomintang (KMT) welcomes the comments which United States (US) Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Kritenbrink made during a phone interview on August 18th, which reiterated the US commitment to a “One China Policy, guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the Three Joint Communiques, and the Six Assurances, while preserving peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the broader Indo-Pacific Region.”

Kritenbrink made a point to indicate that over the past couple of years, particularly with House Speaker Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan as an excuse, mainland China has persisted in harassing Taiwan with military warplanes and warships by intruding past the Taiwan Strait median line. This harassment has increased the mainland’s coercion towards Taiwan; this is what is actually altering the status quo. These provocative actions are both unprecedented and destructive. The KMT takes this opportunity to call upon the mainland authorities to refrain from overreaction towards the visits of foreign friends to Taiwan, to cease its military coercion towards Taiwan, to restore normal cross-Strait trade, and in order to enhance the well-being of the peoples on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, to promote the positive development of cross-Strait relations. Thusly, we can all uphold the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific Region.

Kritenbrink stated that the US position is that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait should resolve disagreements through peaceful discussion, and that the US also seeks to maintain communication channels with mainland China in order to avert misjudgments which increase the risk of crisis. The KMT affirms this position and calls upon the Tsai administration to reinstate cross-Strait talks as soon as possible; to cease its slander of the KMT delegation to the mainland led by Vice-Chairman Andrew Hsia, whose purpose is to ensure the well-being of the Taiwan people; and to work towards reducing cross-Strait risk with dialogue and communication.

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